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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. I hate the Smitty comparisons, the guy has calves the size of freaking beach balls. Smitty's strength is what sets him apart from so many of these other 6 foot and under guys. But I get that you were making the comparison about playing stronger than his size indicates. For a guy Crowder's size I would've liked to have seen a 3 cone time significantly below 7 seconds.
  2. I just can't get behind Strong, just too stiff. He has good deep speed once he gets going (similar to KB) but no explosiveness out of breaks. Isn't going to make anyone miss in the open field either. I do think Perriman's pro day may just drop Parker a bit closer to us.
  3. And I agree with this. But there's a group here that thinks he's here for the next 3 years for sure and I don't think that's the case without a long term deal. Like I said I don't think he'd actually sit out a year or do I think Gettleman would put himself in a situation like that. But Cam could force Gettleman to do something whether it's a long term deal or a tag and trade or let Cam walk.
  4. Don't need to read reports to see that he's a hands catcher, and that's why I feel it's correctable. Perriman is a smooth moving athlete with elite speed and explodes out of breaks. His route running can also be corrected. Perriman plays to his size and can fight through press coverage. Perriman will win on the outsides at the next level and that's not something I can say for a guy like Strong.
  5. Perriman is so much smoother than Patterson in my opinion. I've been on the Perriman bandwagon for quite some time so I'm not surprised he killed his pro day today. Why do you like Strong? Or is it that you just don't like Perriman?
  6. Annnnnd here come all the "witty" posts from the fossils with nothing better to do... So you think Cam would play under a one year contract for the next 3 years?
  7. Glad you had this talk with Cam. My entire point is that Cam has leverage. Holdout is one of them regardless of whether or not he'd actually do it.
  8. Do i think he would? no, but some act as if he has no leverage, that's far from the truth.
  9. And the other half doesn't know what a holdout is. If Cam truly wanted to sit out a year i'd bet a lot of money someone would still be willing to pay him the following season. If Cam made it clear he'd rather sit out than play under the tag, I'm sure Gettleman rather trade him than use up a large junk of cap space on nothing... again.
  10. Most didn't like it because of Andre's age which is understandable but Jennings isn't far behind. Jennings can still be effective but it'll be up to Shula...
  11. Not sure why most hated the idea of signing Andre Johnson but are super excited about getting Jennings. Jennings is only 2 years younger than Andre and not even close to being as good. Jennings will not beat anyone deep anymore, it'll be up to Shula to put Jennings in spots for him to be successful. Just asking Jennings to be a number 2 by having him line up outside isn't going to end well. I'd rather have Crabtree but both were similar WR's last season. Crabtree is the bigger more physical of the two and with the Saints just signing Browner, Crabtree may come in handy. With that said, Jennings>Cotchery so I'd welcome Jennings to this group any day
  12. Bring that dummy Patterson with him too!
  13. He's what we would've liked to have seen from Cotchery last season.
  14. I almost take back what I said about someone notifying dumb and dumber. This is the rare occasion where sleeping into 4pm benefitted Person
  15. Well fatman, now you can take your bag of pennies and combine them with your other bags and give them to CRABTREE!!!
  16. He was up here in Winnipeg and got cut from the Bombers. Basically all you need to know. I was excited when we drafted him Edit: his Wikipedia page says he's still here, so maybe he is. Also I saw Toney Clemons name and Darvin Adams name as well on the roster for this season. I expect both to make the team
  17. I saw the food part but just figured I was mis reading the open bar part. I'll be lucky to see the 4th Might have to get some bottles on ice at the end of the 3rd for the post game cele
  18. Am I reading the part about it being open bar in the cabana area right??!
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