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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!
  2. Here we go... Kerr basically asked for this one
  3. Curry needs to be in to start the 4th... Game 6 with a chance to close, you don't need to rest!
  4. Draymond Green is better off just saving energy and kicking the ball out of bounds when he finds himself on a fast break with the ball
  5. This is painful to watch. Golden State doesn't want this at all. Curry can't afford to sit in the 2nd half. I feel like Cleveland couldn't have played worse and they're only down 2...
  6. Not sure what's harder... watching the Warriors attempt to grab a rebound or watching Greg Olsen run after the catch... actually I take that back, the Warriors rebounding is right up there with watching Byron Bell play tackle
  7. How Crawford's old bald ass is still employed is beyond me
  8. Unless Bersin got stronger over the offseason I just don't see it. Too many times we saw him get knocked off his route or jammed at the line. Bersin could be a effective slot guy, more so than Cotchery potentially so I'd be ok with keeping him as a 5th or 6th. it was more than 1 play...
  9. I have no problem with them keeping Bersin, I actually liked him at the beginning of last year and had high hopes for him. i do have a problem with him ever being the 1st or 2nd option on any kind of crucial down, and I don't trust this coachin staff enough to not do that again.
  10. Draymond, Harrison and Klay need to step the f*ck up and hit shots with Curry essentially being bear hugged by that little ugly troll. Ezeli turning around to take a jumper with Dellatroll on him was pathetic too. It's painfully obviously the NBA wants Lebron to win and have hyped this as him vs the world when that couldn't be further from the truth. People act as if JR and Shumpert are both trash because NY sucked but as individual players they're both solid. Moz and TT are both legit big men and TT is a beast on the boards. If Cleveland win tonight and it sure looks like they're going to I think it's a wrap.
  11. Wtf am I watching? Everyone but Klay can't hit a thing, sloppy as hell and the officiating has once again been horrible
  12. Lets f'n do this Montsta!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Yes!!!! half this place might be on suicide watch by later tonight. deal with it
  14. 3 month carb warning for Jax!!!!
  15. Mike Morin for JBJ! Get it done Dipoto!
  16. .290 is very optimistic for JBJ. But it'd be interesting to see what he could do without having to look over his shoulder when he's struggling. The Halos got no one so Bradley may be able to get more comfortable. But yeah Goondal, the sox don't have room for him so I have to think they're open to moving him. But I was thinking a bullpen prospect, if I have to watch Matt Joyce play for much longer I'm going end it
  17. It's no secret the Angels are desperate for a LF, there's not much available in mid may... outside of Revere (who I don't want) are the Sox done with JBJ? I saw an article today that said the Mariners rejected a JBJ for Furbursh deal this past offseason. JBJ's value couldn't be lower, I'd love to give him a shot, at the very least he's a stud defensively
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