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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. A better timed jump and Norman has a hatty right now, bad throw by Winston but damn Josh... Sick. PLEASE GO FOR THE JUGULAR YOU P*SSIES
  2. You're not suggesting what I think you are, are you??? Adjustments!!!!? This staff make adjustments... lol nah
  3. This coaching staff as a whole doesn't have a hot clue what to do with a lead
  4. Atlanta up 28-0... Went for the jugular.. That's a well coached team
  5. But but Klien is so good... Luke stops some of these garbage runs by himself
  6. Get a damn stop... Just for once stop lettin teams hang the F around
  7. Better get 7 off this turnover, that penalty really f'd us good though
  8. Hate to say it but Atlanta looks legit, having no problems with Houston. Our O blows, this is what happens when you think a guy like Bersin is a solution. Stewart has looked good with the ball why are we going away from that? Just like that first drive after the fumble, should've ran the exact same play to Stew
  9. If I have to watch one more quick pass out a guy who can't deke out a pilon I'm going to lose it
  10. Just f'n win please! Don't make Winston look like a pro bowler! Come to play today D!
  11. http://youtu.be/vq8G81oOHhY Haha and yeah he use to do that too!
  12. Go watch the game and see some of the throws Winston made
  13. Hmm imo it has nothing to do with learning a lesson, I don't believe for a second THE PLAYERS took the Saints lightly. What you saw was Rivera and his staff once again getting out coached and bailed out by the talented players on this team. This team will always be able to compete on talent alone, add in good team chemistry and Rivera's strength as a players coach and his ability to get the most out of the team will always give us a chance. It's the coaching that needs to step up in order for us to go to the next level.
  14. Agree. Plus with the bye coming next week it's easy to overlook Tampa, Winston actually looked good in Houston, his number may not show it but if there's any fan base that knows not to judge a QB's performance by the boxscore it's this one. Winston got the Cam treatment and was letdown by multiple drops by his WR's. Missing Luke his huge if it's rainy and it becomes a battle of running backs, the Bucs OC said yesterday the Panthers D is pretty vanilla without Luke. It'd sure suck having to sit on a loss to the Bucs for 2 weeks...
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