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imminent rogaine

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Everything posted by imminent rogaine

  1. I understand the rank on this depth chart doesn't matter. Does not being on this chart matter? Specifically looking at Brandon Williams and Marcus Lucas.
  2. I guess the vet day off thing is prob a part of the cba or something but I don't know that we can afford to give Oher days off. Do days off mean they don't have to be there at all or just that they don't have to suit up? Hope he is present and doing something productive.
  3. This system might be a decent overall indicator but it isn't going to accurately reflect teams that have really good players outside of the ones that were chosen. For instance, a great o-line (cowboys), a multiple RB system (eagles), or a 3/4 spread type offense probably wont place as high as they should since those positions are ignored. That said, it makes since that the Panthers would be skewed down. They only use 4 - top players from the front seven. The Panthers have an above average to great front 7. if they chose 5 or 6 of these players, I'd think that we would be bumped up Plus they don't know about that three TE set we are going to ruin the league with this year. #Swolebones #ThisIsTheYear
  4. Do they give trophies for sitting inside and playing video games all day? I'm pretty sure that is all kids do these days. I remember not keeping score in t-ball and being infuriated. Why in the world would you play the game if you don't keep score. That is the entire point of a game... otherwise its called practice and, like studying, practice is for people that are inferior.
  5. I've got no worries about Gman's ability to go out and find a few more Colin Coles out there to come in and contribute. That gives him flexibility in handling the Star/KK issue if things don't work out the way we want.
  6. Do we have a nick-name for this duo? "Smash-n-smash"?
  7. I would never drive a car that doesn't come with functional turn signals. I am assuming they are just there for show or something; I've never seen a BMW driver use them.
  8. Hope looks like she got caught up in an eggbeater.
  9. It would be nice to have a guy on offense, in addition to the dozer, that is out there punishing people. If we lined up Tolbert behind a real full back, there could be some real carnage. Alsom the way they handcuff defenses, this might be the only time we get to see big hits. Those big blocks was one of my favorite things about 89.
  10. Can't believe Garry is out of football. He wasn't great by any means but I never thought he was that bad. I mean.... Bell has a job, we still have Foucault...
  11. I agree completely. Our country was built using theft, genocide, and on the backs of the poor and marginalized... don't need to look further than "old glory" for a reminder. That said, I came for quotes about the skronghold and am disappointed.
  12. Horton odd man out of the DL? That sounds right, I guess. Klein and Horton not being there would be the "constantly churning the bottom of the roster".
  13. This is offense v defense... Why would we be upset about that? There is roughly zero bonding or gelling that needs to take place between the two units; these guys will never be on the field at the same time. If anything, it shows that they are taking practice seriously. As long as we leave the haymakers at camp, *ahem Frank*, then I am fine with it.
  14. ​There was that big hit and then another where he was tag-teamed by Jenkins and TD. That poo just aint no good, boy.
  15. Dang boy, Look at those calves on Silatolu in the 6th picture down.
  16. Someone introduce him to the bottle so he doesn't have to worry about drug tests anymore. DON'T DO IT FRANK!
  17. In the first pic it looks like maybe he learned his form from playing with Rivers in SD...
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