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Admiral Ackbar

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  1. Yeah not so good. But I think from what I have been able to gather and take this with a grain of salt, he's more a "in the box" safety and is going to help in the run game, blitzing, covering TEs. No doubt we still need to get a solid coverage safety
  2. The only player's contract I have a problem with is Horn. Time will tell with Moehrig. All others are justified or deserving IMO
  3. I think if Carter and Graham is gone it makes too much sense not to trade down. Panthers need so many positions filled that reaching at 8 is the one thing they cannot do.
  4. i mean how much can you blame a QB for tipped passes?? With an improved oline, especially interiorly, its hard not to give the kudos to the o-line since it is thier job to keep defends hands down.... But I cant say Qbs dont play a factor, but really how much? Either way, glad to see it!
  5. very real possibly we have top 5 pick, at worse something like 9. Could be as high as 2 if Jags, Gaints and Jets win and we lose against the Falcons. My hope is we are inside the top 5 with a team like the Giants or Raiders chomping at the bit to get a QB and they trade up so we can gather some top picks. Would be a nice to "recoup" from the Bryce trade and still possibly get a top edge rusher. And if that doesnt work out, hey we still will probably get a top defensive player inside the top 10.
  6. ....I miss watching that dude play football. Didnt know how good we had it lol
  7. Bryce's cadence needs major work lol. Cam's was so underrated
  8. Also, can we talk about the fact that Chuba just got paid and seems to be on pace for a career day? So happy for him, seriously. He deserves it
  9. Man, some of yall are so triggered. Bryce has done nothing wrong today. Chill out, relax, we are winning. NO TEAM IS PERFECT lol
  10. Give sanders some more touches so we can trade him lol
  11. whats that? A twinkle of hope......please no
  12. I think you move on, and I would kick the tires on Mac Jones personally. Do I forgive him for his dirty tackling a few years ago? No. Do I like him? No. But I feel there is still something there talent wise. And dont forget his rookie year was not too bad, and he had to follow up Tom Brady. IN NEW ENGLAND. And I think he did great bearing that pressure, so we know mentally his stout. And then, I feel he can be that "game manager" and get the ball into the hands of Legette, Coker, Chubba. I also think there is enough fight in him too at times that he could rally the team in close games after making a good throw or first down run. I've seen him do it in New England Maybe I'm off, maybe I'm not but this new sativa strain is pretty solid btw
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