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Everything posted by CelibatePimp

  1. I feel the same way. If I was being drafted in the first round I would want it to be the traditional experience where the commish calls my name.
  2. Jags have selected top 10 since 2008. The only team to do that.
  3. Looks like Titans will pick Marcus. If I were him I would decline to play for them lol
  4. Workout suspended for today to watch this draft. I feel fat already.
  5. I was referring more to his finishing. He has never been good at that. Weak leg.
  6. He didn't exactly steal money as opposed to the NFL not knowing how to handle this case. I am not asking that people have undying love for him. Are people going chase him around until he dies for any bad news? He's no longer a Panther, let it go.
  7. I feel like there should be a thread about this. Why would Sanchez come out and say this? How old is Sanchez? Terrible.
  8. The Hardy hate in here is strong, I just cannot understand it.
  9. I really cannot stand people who cannot coherently express themselves without the use of abusive language. You are really not worth my time.
  10. What is wrong with our justice system? We have failed if we have to wait for a private entity to administer any semblance of justice. The DA in Charlotte should bow his head in shame.
  11. Don't gloat too much, one this very rare occasion that you've been right...
  12. Peterson served a six game suspension without pay last season.
  13. You're aware he was suspended six games without pay last season right? Just checking...
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