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Everything posted by CelibatePimp

  1. ​If your progression argument is based on yards alone, then it is very flawed. The ONLY reason his yds have gone down is because he attempts less passes now. Can you point anything else that has been in steady decline since his rookie season?
  2. It's hard to repeat that when he has never had to throw that much again. His highest number of attempts in a season came in his rookie year where he had the 4,000ds (with less attempts than Ryan needed to get to 4,000). I mean it's simple math, the more times you throw, the more yards you'll get.
  3. I think Ryan is the better passer right now anyways. I see Cam continuing to improve on that. He is still developing as a pocket passer. Don't underestimate that kind of experience guys like Luck and Ryan had in college to learn the pro style offense.
  4. Newton has a yd/att of 7.5 with Ryan at 7.2. Ryan attempts more throws than Cam does every single year. Looking at their yd/att and factoring in completions %, Newton will have better yds than Ryan. We just don't pass as much as a team hence the decline in passing yds. Cam reached 4,000yds throwing less than Ryan had to do to achieve the same yardage.
  5. Which of you idiots commented; "no weed fam" on the pic?
  6. Dalton has better numbers than Cam passing but he's mostly an afterthought in the QB conversation. It goes beyond numbers sometimes.
  7. This is an article looking at which QBs you'd take before considering JJ Watt as more impactful for your team. Newton is ranked 6th when asked which QB you'd like to start a team with (omitting QBs 35 and over). Ryan is 7th. According to the article, after Newton, you better take JJ Watt over Ryan. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000495734/article/jj-watt-vs-the-best-qbs-who-is-more-valuable
  8. ​That's the fair thing to do but I'm not really concerned about pie anyways so there's that.
  9. The prince should get some hair treatment. I got Arsenal winning this.
  10. ​Was that why he threw it out of the window? Are you going to throw a legitimate property you own out the window if the police came to question you about it? You are here buying Cam's side of the story but yet you deny Winston the same right and I might add that Winston's rape allegation has been shown to be just that, an allegation whereas Cam was actually suspended from the team for stealing that laptop.
  11. As SCP said his off the field stuff is overblown! He got hooked up with crab legs, big deal. He was accused by some girl of rape (who has changed her story so many times and based on reading the facts of the case is just a liar). What off the field stuff? Cam stole a laptop but he's turned himself in a solid citizen in the community. The irrational hate under the cover of "off the field stuff" smacks of ignorance.
  12. Voth just said it was a good day for Hill so maybe brown and hill?
  13. Dude what stops you from answering those questions yourself to support your argument? Lol asking questions like I even care? What great stats did Carr have? You are obviously not independent minded. One of those guys who follows what people say. Lmao and you say my statement was trolling? Thanks for playing Mr. "Carr has great stats". I honestly would like you to show us those great stats but it will further embarrass you. You're not worth my time.
  14. ​In this context, we were talking QB protection. The stats bear out what I have seen as well as many other people who watch more football than us both combined to come up with those stats. You have no idea how much football I watch. If you watched as much football as I did (including SEA games), you will come to the same conclusion and you probably wouldn't have swallowed "David Carr is a great QB according to stats" line.
  15. We don't get to watch every player play in every single game. Stats are the only objective measure we have. I see as many games as I can and the stats are never too far from the reality. 15TDs is 15TDs etc. There is a context to every stat yes but generally it gives you the idea. From different outlets SEA's oline has ranked piss poor in pass protection compared to CAR. You can go over to SEA's board and ask them, they will tell you the same thing. At that point, the stats becomes the reality. I am never going to waste my time to argue with someone who say oh, my eyes tell me better, when professional eyes from different establishments confirm what you have seen. And what stats make Carr and great QB? David Carr? There is no season in Carr's career where any stat show him as a great QB.
  16. if you can watch, you can count (hopefully). That's how those stats came about. So how would you judge QB protection? Please give us a stat that shows that CAR's oline does not protect Cam better than RW's oline other than your eye.
  17. ​So Wilson has the better oline based on "watching" them play? Some of you guys are interesting to say the least. Cam has the worst supporting cast in NFL history and no other QB is allowed to have it worse even if the evidence points otherwise.
  18. No one is saying Cam is a bad QB. Just saying people should do a double take of the other other QBs before dismissing them.
  19. ​No one is critiquing Rodgers, Brady, Brees or those other QBs. It's QBs like Romo, Dalton etc who always seem to have some sort of excuse that are being critiqued.
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