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Everything posted by CelibatePimp

  1. Same here and I can't believe I said blue black. Unless of course the picture at the source keeps changing it clearly looks white and gold to me.
  2. They were dismissed because she went "missing". It would have been difficult for the DA to prosecute the case without the vitcim. The DA alleges that it was because she was paid that is why she went missing, i.e, Hardy paid her not to testify.
  3. Hardy was presented an option but in reality the Commish is the only one who can put players on the exempt list. A.P. has been put back on the exempt list after today's ruling, I am sure he was not happy about it. The only reason McDonald was not put on the list is that he was not charged, not because he had a say in it.
  4. Dress story, http://swiked.tumblr.com/post/112073818575/guys-please-help-me-is-this-dress-white-and
  5. Still a different case from Big Ben's. Let them give the reliable info on the settlement to the NFL then. But as you have said, the NFL does not need all that anyways.
  6. First that was the second time and though no one could prove money changed hands, they SETTLED the civil suit. Hardy's charges were dismissed because the accuser was uncooperative unlike in Ben's case. Very different.
  7. Why is he watching hype videos instead of studying film?
  8. I am of the opinion that if the NFL can prove Hardy paid her off, he will be suspended and rightfully so.
  9. He was left off the list because he was not charged. The case however made the NFL look bad and by that alone, he should have gone on the exempt list according to CRA. Lmao.
  10. Try again. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000396169/article/what-is-the-exempt-list
  11. You know Big Ben paid off the victim; a tacit admission of guilt You know everyone saw Riley's video right, meaning he was culpable for whatever he was accused of. He was fined by the Eagles. How was he going to argue that to any judge? Conduct detrimental to a team. The team is made of majority black people. Terrible examples.
  12. By your standards, they should have put Ray McDonald on the exempt list. Why wasn't he placed there?
  13. The only reason I did not use that reply was that I think it says a max 6 games for the first offense. I may be wrong though.
  14. Good news, now you're going big, bad news, now you have to pay for all the audio you sample in your promos. I'm sure having UA will help with that anyways.
  15. Hopefully it's not another I played Cam on madden.
  16. If it was that easy, they would have gone ahead and suspended him either when the case first started or right after the charges were dismissed. Why haven't they?
  17. No they don't but why do you think they are digging to find out what happened with the case? They could have gone ahead and suspended Hardy the very day the charges were dismissed.
  18. Who has said here that employees cannot be punished? No one. Just don't make up stuff to punish your employees because if it goes to court you will lose.
  19. Like there are so many protections for employers that people sounding like the NFL is the law of the land surprise me. I mean there are certain places where the boss cannot even talk disciplinary issues with their employee without a union rep being present.
  20. You can take your employer to court if they do something like that and win. It happens all the time.
  21. The point of that post is that yes the NFL makes up it's own rules but they are not above the law with regards to how they handle disciplinary issues. Meaning, a court will overturn any punishment for Hardy when he has not been convicted of any crime. What is the NFL going to punish him for? Being accused? That's a slippery slope that no court will tolerate.
  22. This was not case that was settled out of court; a tacit admission of complacence. This was a case where charges were dismissed essentially deeming the accused innocent. It is a private organization but it does not mean it can abuse the civil right's of it's employees hence as we have all witnessed so far, two of their suspensions have been overturned re: Rice and A.P.
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