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Everything posted by CelibatePimp

  1. They're not bringing in Graham to block. He is another target for Wilson. With LBs biting on play action, it leaves a good zone for Graham to work.
  2. No he's not. He fits perfectly into what they do and unless they can find someone who can take care of the ball like he does, they may not win as many games. RW in against GB in the NFCCG is what most other QB face weekly in the NFL. He threw four picks when they tried to lean on his arm, it is no surprise that he has one of the least passing attempts among the young QBs. I mean SEA consistently wins games when he passes for under 150yds! How many QB in the NFL have that luxury?
  3. We complained about his receivers also until Tate went to DET. Wilson is a poor pocket QB.
  4. I can't see why people don't get that Wilson has not proven anything yet. Kaepernick also came unto a team with stacked talent and took them to two straight NFCCG and a superbowl. Well what happened last season when they tried to rely more on his passing game? You guessed right. The GM and coach know the value of Wilson in their offense. He does make some amazing game saving throws but guess what, those happen once or twice a game. Other QBs with bad defenses have to consistently make those plays. We can claim run first team all we want but if he was any good, they would not have had to significantly raise Lynch's salary to have him back. WRT Cam, I think he may be coming into his own. The no huddle stuff to me is what makes most of these great QBs. Rodgers for example. Almost always in no huddle and reacting rather than reading too much. I think our coaches noticed it and Ron said they may want to do more of that next season. I think Cam will do very well.
  5. Can't say I haven't thought about it.
  6. It's too early to tell. I think Crabtree will be more productive than Boykin if that answers anything.
  7. I've lived here for two years now and there's lots to do. Not a bad place to be honestly. The only thing is the sunday ticket i have to get for my panthers.
  8. I begun to eat more. That was when I began to increase in size (of course now I'm like duh).
  9. Most of the movements are compound so I do inadvertently hit my back. It comes to about 60 squats/twice a week. My body is fairly balanced so I don't have skinny legs.
  10. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-total-access/0ap3000000484599/Roster-Reset-NFC-South?icampaign=nflcom-cs-homepage-videoswap_generic_nfl
  11. In the divisional round, RW had an easy 14 points off floaters, one beating Bene and the other beating Boston. Bene appeared injured though. I think our secondary could improve but it's not as bad as the writer seems to see it.
  12. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000484349/article/roster-reset-nfc-south. . 1. Saints 2. Falcons 3. Panthers 4. Bucs The top two had top 8 offenses in 2014. However I'm not really bothered because when our defense came on towards the end of the season, we shut down those high flying offenses. I think we threepeat.
  13. Melvin White was a starter for 6 games before #LakeNorman was given the job.
  14. I do a full body workout twice a week. Pushups - 110 mainly as warmup Incline bench - 3 reps of 6-10 Bench dips - 3 sets of 30 Shoulder press - 3 sets 6-10 Tricep extension - 3 sets 6-10 Tricep push downs - 3 sets 6-10 dumbbell curls - 3 sets 6-10 dumbbell shoulder fly - 3 sets of 10 Squats with weights - 3 sets of 20 each Incline situps - 3 sets of between 15-20 each I will tell you that I begun to see gains when I got my diet right. I was working out hard but still skinny.
  15. What I am thinking is CHI, a team with an atrocious defense will let their "Thomas Davis" walk. If he was any good, he would have still been kept. He is old and slow, a direct opposite of young and fast we have been clamoring for. It had to take Melvin White being benched for Norman to become a starter. We don't want to give Ron any funny ideas. And calm your tits.
  16. What I am thinking is CHI, a team with an atrocious defense will let their "Thomas Davis" walk. If he was any good, he would have still been kept. He is old and slow, a direct opposite of young and fast we have been clamoring for. It had to take Melvin White being benched for Norman to become a starter. We don't want to give Ron any funny ideas.
  17. 1 out of 6 players being solid contributors? Maybe that is stellar to you. To me it's not. That's the last I'd say about this.
  18. I am not questioning DG as a GM. I am talking specifically about the claim that he owns the third day of the draft. There is not sufficient evidence to back that claim.
  19. I am not saying a GM should hit on every pick. I am saying based on his record he is hardly king of the third draft day that he is being made out to be until we have more evidence. There are spots on our team open to competition. That should give an idea of places where the coaching staff want to improve. I will call current role-players at that position "meh". We are not going to have for competition this training camp for QB, MLB, C, TE, WR1, DT and LDE because those guys currently playing that position are solid contributors. Our current FA has been focused on OT and WR, there is a reason why.
  20. I'm not writing them off. I am exactly saying that it is too early to crown DG as king of the late rounds. I also mentioned that Norwell seems to be the only impressive UDFA. The rest are meh.
  21. I am talking about solid contributors, not just guys listed on the roster. Out of 6 picks, Bene seems to be the only solid contributor.
  22. Klein is the only draft pick we have from the round 4-7 in 2013. Klein is a role player, a JAG at best. In the 2014 draft, we only have Bene and Boston left. Bene seems like a potential pro-bowler. Boston I am not sure about yet. So that's one potentially very good pick in 2 years out of six.
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