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Everything posted by CelibatePimp

  1. ​If you have an idea, why don't you share? Is this not a forum for discussion? You'd rather attack the person than the facts?
  2. Invalidated based on stats or your own opinion? Stats seem to support my statement. We even had a thread on it here using data from FO I think. However I will give you stats from NFL.com for 2013 and 2014. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=2&season=2013&seasonType=REG&d-447263-n=1&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-p=1&statisticCategory=OFFENSIVE_LINE&d-447263-s=PASSING_QBHIT http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?seasonType=REG&offensiveStatisticCategory=OFFENSIVE_LINE&d-447263-n=1&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-p=1&d-447263-s=PASSING_QBHIT&tabSeq=2&season=2014&role=TM&Submit=Go&archive=false&conference=null&defensiveStatisticCategory=null&qualified=false SEA oline ranked 12 in number of QB hits in 2014 and CAR ranked 24th. In 2013 SEA ranked 11th and CAR ranked 27th. What measure are you using for your oline? Do share.
  3. ​Andy Dalton has similar passing stats to Cam and has made the playoffs more times but we all know who Dalton is. Manning has the stats but is always choking in the playoffs. It's not a cut and dry argument like you are making it to be. I mean T3bow is a playoff QB but you and I know he sucks.
  4. ​But in 2013, he only played 5 games and was injured for the rest of the season. I also think Cam is better than RW but with a worse oline than Cam and little WR help, he gets it done (not a ton of yds but solid TD and INT number as well as passer rating). At a certain point the play has to bear it out.
  5. ​Again we have excuses. This was not the case in 2013 when Cam had his full cast of "weapons". Can you tell me what weapon Kaep had that Cam did not have? TE is a push. WR? Cam had Ginn, Smith and LaFell, Kaep had Boldin and that's about it. Kaep's passer rating was also in the 90s, something Cam has never achieved in his career. If Cam does not want to be compared to these other QBs, he'll have to shut people up by leading the NFL in a significant passing stat, like Luck did last year to shut most of the haters (including me) up.
  6. Cam's stats have been eerily identical to Kaepernick over the last two years (with Kaep's looking a tad better) so I don't know where people get the idea Cam is so much better than Kaep.
  7. For me the writer makes one solid point, there are always excuses surrounding QBs who cannot produce at a high level, whether OC, "weapons", oline etc. At a certain point, a good QB should be able to overcome all that or else we would be talking about oline again next year. This is really Cam's season to take a big step forward, if he can't then it is what it is.
  8. It depends on which position you think is most important to the team. Defensive talent can only get you so far without a QB.
  9. You're making my head hurt. Please explain some more.
  10. Essentially a 32yd attempt as has already been stated. I think this is a step in the right direction.
  11. Kaep did a lot with his dual threat ability under Harbaugh. RW also uses it a bit. Even Luck can run it but he doesn't do it often so Cam is not unique in that sense. To me, I see QB who use it as poor passers who don't trust their arm. It's easy but it takes a toll on your development as a passer. See Kaep last season as well as Wilson (who is still not a good pocket passer).
  12. If you do agree with me, why quote me and be sarcastic about it? Some of you get so sensitive when a flaw is mentioned in Cam's game. And playing part time RB is not a sustainable way to QB. Let him concentrate on helping the WR earn their money and leave the running to the RB and FB.
  13. Wilson's oline was worse than ours true but don't you think there is a reason SEA brought back an aging RB for significantly more money? When they leaned on his arm, he threw 4 INT against GB but SEA still won.
  14. Watching the preseason last year, I was thinking RW was going to take that step (hence the chatter of parting ways with Lynch). When it became obvious he was struggling last season, the team went back to the run game. The only young QB better than Cam is Luck. The rest are just riding their teams.
  15. I know at least last season Luck's WR were I think top three in drops whereas Cam's were around 21. That may factor in.
  16. I think Rivera liked it a lot. But you're right, we know Rivera, one season he's riverboat the next he's back to stoic Ron. At the end of the day, if you ask me, huddling is done because the OC may see the field better and identify the mismatches. At this point in his career, I think Cam gets defensive concepts and they should let him run the offense, they can always chip in when he struggles.
  17. Add in Olsen and this is the year that he can potentially mature as a passer. He's physically gifted to do that. Rogers does a lot of rushing but he's so good as a passer no one considers that a part of his game. With the no huddle if Cam can see targets early, he can avoid sacks and move the chains with few INTs. Passing is difficult to master but when you do, it's the easier and more effective way to gain yards.
  18. Color me old school but he doesn't look too good when you look at passing stats alone. I want him to improve on his passing and hopefully the new weapons and no huddle helps him do that.
  19. 36 going on 12. Smith needs to grow up. I mean what will his motivation in life be when he retires and no one tweets him hateful messages or no CB talks trash to him? HBD btw.
  20. Lol at the Winston haters. His "maturity" issues are way overblown. Not every star athlete is going to be your quiet choir boy type. Life is short, let him enjoy it how he pleases as long as he's hurting no one.
  21. I don't hate that team. Brady was actually my fav QB going into this offseason. I even opened a thread for him in "The Lounge" subforum. I find the lengths to which he went to have the balls manipulated after the refs have certified them disgusting. Including the fact that he personally lobbied circa 2006 to have teams handle their own balls. The intent to cheat, when other players are busting their ass the correct way and suffering injuries whiles at it is honestly disrespectful to the game and all those involved. Can you imagine what will happen when the integrity of the game has been compromised? No one will take such a sport seriously.
  22. I was reading their blog and they were banning anyone who had any opinion to the contrary that belief. Talk about being delusional in a circle jerk. What do you expect anyways, fans are going to be fans, only a few are ever objective.
  23. I am actually going through the CBA right now and I can't seem to find it... https://nfllabor.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/collective-bargaining-agreement-2011-2020.pdf
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