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Everything posted by CelibatePimp

  1. Not all of us go to games let alone tailgate. A sex tape will be the best way to show your appreciation. Just make sure the sheets are in Panther colors.
  2. Somewhere Warren Sapp is crying. Why can't I gets free pussy too!
  3. I agree with that. Hence they did not put the ball in Lynch's hands. Kinda like a statement to transition the offense over to Wilson.
  4. Why is everyone angry about the play call? Why Lynch? I though RW was the best offensive player in the world.
  5. Mobile statue to be moved into our end zone each half to scare opposing teams away.
  6. Obviously from your point Sherman being there does not even guarantee a safe birth. You are now going down the anything can happen line frankly which applies to every aspect of life. Missing his child's birth to play in the superbowl in that context is not a big deal given that his being there does not even gurantee a safe birth.
  7. If that is the case Sherman should not have been playing ANY game until the child is born. Let us keep this convo in context.
  8. Errrm it's too late to have a miscarriage now. Lets keep it in context.
  9. I don't know what circles you work in but professional friends of mine who are single parents ARE NOT on social programs and take good care of their kids. Maybe it's time you move out of where ever you live and upgrade your circles.
  10. So if all they cared about is the money, they probably will not be interested in guilt tripping whoever for the rest of their lives because there is really no emotion involved.
  11. Don't be stupid. You can express your point without being emotional. It's not that serious.
  12. I think being a deadbeat dad is worse than missing your child's birth due to work. Only an insecure woman would hold on to such an issue.
  13. Yeah, I don't get this attempt to paint women like some mean emotional twisted bunch that can't say what they want.
  14. That's an interesting angle though I doubt everyone thinks like that anymore. People are a little more open minded now.
  15. As I've stated, some players miss regular season games, which are 16 per year. Superbowls no matter how many are always rare. Of course it's important to be there to support the wife but if she says he can play, let him play. The child will not feel any less loved if she/he found out dad was not there when I was being born.
  16. She didn't look like someone who would date a loud mouth but people find love in strange places.
  17. I've never seen 50 year old corners in the NFL before. Maybe Jase might be able to tell us more about the league he watches.
  18. No he has the rest of his life to be a dad, not play football.
  19. I mean players miss REGULAR season games when their kids are being born.
  20. There is no way he is leaving the game for the birth of his child, as many have said over and over, he has the rest of his life to be the dad. This may be his last superbowl he'll play in.
  21. Couldn't have said it better. And I'll be watching cos it's football! Also the finals need to be on Saturdays. I've never understood the Sunday thing.
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