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Everything posted by Jase

  1. There was that one catch he had in traffic against the saints backups that gave us all false hope. Dang it.
  2. You forget how awesomely bad Matt Willig was.
  3. Get him off the smith machine. If he does that with a barbell, he'll fall over. When was the last time smith squats did anyone any good anyway?
  4. which of the semi-finalists has the most attractive feet?
  5. I say we just make every huddle member a mod. The weak will quickly be culled from the herd.
  6. Talk to me. When I was first starting out many years ago, people would tell me "straighten your back" on things like rows, etc, but until I could see the slump in the mirror, I didn't know how to correct my own form. My core was that weak.
  7. Ironically I'm between DL sets as I post this
  8. I guess the hope is that as people try to squeeze their shoulders and fail, they'll keep their back straight. Just stay near a mirror and make sure you keep your back straight.
  9. I would like to inform all of the candidates that, due to an anonymous tip, one of the semi finalists is under investigation for possibly deflating zod's balls and thereby gaining an unfair advantage.
  10. honestly it needs to be lola so we can hit on her in private consult with her over important topics in the mod forum.
  11. this jeremy fellow is the clear front runner... you others are falling behind severely.
  12. so far I have not received enough bribes/noods to consider voting for any of you.
  13. we've had a female mod before. She was in love with me, though, so she had to leave.
  14. I say we just give the job to the next hot girl that registers and posts on our message board.
  15. I am currently accepting bribes. PM me for paypal info.
  16. You'll take your 8g of protein and like it.
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