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Everything posted by Jase

  1. I weighed about 167 about 8 weeks ago, 157 when I started back in April, 175ish now.
  2. Cruising past 175 on my bulk. I've had such a good time with this, I may keep going past 185 all the way to 200...
  3. A serving of quinoa has 5g of fiber, the beans in the chili had at least 2g.
  4. lunch: a can of chicken chili and beans from trader joes and a cup of quinoa. 60g of protein, which is about as good as I can do when I get a burrito at chipotle. notbad.jpg
  5. The whole concept sounds like fitness shaming to me. This article says "obsession", I say "commitment". Only in America is committing to nutrition and exercise with the goal of improving your body considered a disorder. It takes, like, 2 hours a day to track your food intake and workout.
  6. My wife told me last week that it was "ridiculous" that I still consider myself skinny and that I'm becoming "reverse anorexic". (half joking, half serious) Fast forward to today and I see this article: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/08/16/bigorexia-could-come-with-serious-side-effects/ What a crock of poo.
  7. "bulked" jase is still pretty skinny Can still see abs
  8. FINE. I'll PM you some n00ds. Hold on a sec, let me get in a quick fluffing sesh.
  9. How do I know that this isn't just some trick and that you'll just post my shirtless pic on a pay website? Srsly though, I took a progress pic on the 18th of last month, will again on the 18th this month. Maybe I'll post them but beware of teh pale.
  10. I don't know, I've had it in other parts of my body as well, hate it. Did a lot of flies last night. oh and I'm up to 173.3 on my bulk.
  11. My right pec has been twitching for the last 13 hours. Getting annoying.
  12. Katch-McArdle using the BF% from my bathroom scale, granted the BF% probably isn't accurate, but it seems to be working okay so far.
  13. Also like a complete nerd I've been tracking my bulking progress.... gainz https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtW6-ZtWfdg4dGIyamFaOGdXNkNPUW5CNmVLMVJVQUE&usp=sharing
  14. in general: build muscle or lose weight, pick one count your calories, get an app for your phone to help. It will make a world of difference. This thread on bb.com really helped me out figuring out what I need. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=121703981 I decided to bulk exactly a month ago, put on 3.5 pounds from that time. Definite muscle gains, minimal fat added.
  15. looking pretty cut in that zipline pic, biscuit (no homo) okay, maybe a little homo.
  16. upon further review, they almost look like clusters of tiny bruises or broken blood vessels. Getting too pumped during my workouts maybe? Is such a thing even possible? I recently added creatine back, It gives a skinny guy like me some crazy looking pumps.
  17. anybody gotten bench rash? I just noticed these red splotchy areas on my rear delts just outside the armpits. The only thing I can figure out is this is where my skin rubs the bench when I go deep on dumbbell presses. No pain, but really unsightly. I'm disfigured.
  18. Yeah, well I ate 3400 calories yesterday on my recovery day. Up to 169.5 lbs.
  19. maybe she was looking for my butt "look at that, an assless man... I must look closer"
  20. So this happened last night... I was doing squats and there was an empty bench maybe 4 feet behind and 2 feet to the left of the power rack. It was away from the other benches. Smoking hot girl in little black boyshorts comes up while I'm squatting, with plenty of other benches available, and starts doing bodyweight exercises on the bench, close enough that I could have easily hit her with the barbell if I lost any kind of balance at the bottom of the squat. Using that as motivation to keep max control and balance, I pounded out 4 more sets of puny 155 pound squats (My legs are still so weak and my joints aren't used to the movement), ignored her, and moved on. Did she want the D? Who in their right mind would come and do that basically right under someone who was squatting?
  21. jeez I moved up to 205 for reps for standard deadlifts on sunday, was feeling pretty good about it, too. <<still weak
  22. I'm happy to report my SLDL form is corrected. Thanks to Biscuit for the educational video.
  23. people who squat on the curl rack are annoying.
  24. As a skinny guy I stopped p90x because it's more geared toward weight loss than I can handle. Couldn't keep any gains because literally every session burns 1000 calories.
  25. I've been tempted for a while to get calipers like http://www.amazon.com/AccuMeasure-MyoTape-AM-3000-Fitness-Personal/dp/B002VAPHXW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374073781&sr=8-1&keywords=body+fat+caliper but I'm afraid my own human error would keep that from being very accurate either.
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