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Everything posted by Jase

  1. It allows me to stay close enough to the mirror that I can admire my guns. Don't hate.
  2. I'm finally doing over my bodyweight for reps in full ROM squats!
  3. had pasta and chicken for the super bowl. And I haven't had alcohol in months.
  4. added deadlifts back to leg day tonight after an extended time off. felt good man
  5. 4:15 and I've finally seen the first snow here.
  6. Do what I do and get a head start on the drinking while still at work.
  7. I suspect it will be reaching the ground within minutes
  8. So it looks like the storm is tracking west of where the models had it. More snow for charlotte. Plus it looks like the coast is going to get screwed with mainly an ice/rain/freezing rain event. Looks like I won't be changing my name to Mrs. Nesbitt. Sorry New Bern.
  9. Been really sick for 5 days. Back at it today after having lost 5 pounds in those 5 days. Felt like a tiny little girl until I got a pump going again... Ahh, that's the stuff.
  10. Know your role tomorrow evening.
  11. just saw a prediction of 18-24" along the coast. LMAO The models aren't built to forecast this kind of event. In order for us to get anything measurable at all out of this, one system has to zip across mexico in time to supply moisture to the arctic front. But not too early, or there will be rain/ice.
  12. If new bern sniffs 12" of snow, I will change my username to Mrs. Nesbitt.
  13. I always think it's funny looking at wilmington/raleigh's weather forecast maps compared to charlotte's. Charlotte forecasters are putting the 2-4"+ line of demarcation much closer to charlotte and minimizing the upper end of what's possible along the coast. Eastern NC forecasters are pumping up accumulations along the coast and mostly leaving charlotte out of the party. My prediction? Rain.
  14. had to take two days off in a row I'm wasting away
  15. bulking has gotten impossibly slow. I've cracked 181, I think. speaking of eating, just a quick PSA about unfair societal standards of beauty.
  16. I've been coming in just about as late as I can to get a full workout (9:30 pm) and the gym is still packed when I get there. especially brutal if I try to (heaven forbid) do chest on monday.
  17. pro-tip I learned yesterday: don't do leg day when you're very short on sleep.
  18. It gets better. So much better in fact, that you wonder if you worked out hard enough because you just aren't very sore the next day.
  19. You also get that stretch at the bottom of the movement that makes it feel like you're really working your pecs. With the barbell, most of the stress seems to end up on my front delts.
  20. So, to try to get over a plateau, I switched from barbells to dumbells on the flat bench for 4 weeks. Came back to barbell press last night and got a 185x5 set in on my third set. plateau = busted
  21. Encountered a screamer today. While he was quarter squatting 95 pounds. LMAO
  22. I do hard leg days and my legs are still pretty tiny. So what's the consensus on new years people doing crazy things at the gym? Stop them before they hurt themselves/others or let them be? Saw some things today that made me fear for my safety.
  23. got 3 requests for spots, a new record. back over 180 and leaner than the last time I was here.
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