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About Jase

  • Birthday 09/08/1984

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  1. Maybe they should have let him write is own papers at UNC, then.
  2. Oh yeah, I know who you're thinking of. That was.... let's see, who was it? all of us
  3. This must be a reference to something so old that I don't remember.
  4. It's not going to be good. Bryce will play a little better, and we will have hope, but we're going to lose a lot of games in the 4th quarter because we don't have pass rush. Final prediction: 4-13
  5. Never heard of him.
  6. Bump I have seen the error of my ways. Now I only put 3/4 of a cup per gallon. See you in another 5 years.
  7. Congrats on all the liquid
  8. Charlotte is the best thing going in NC and it isn't even close.
  9. A rich man's Efrem Hill. A poor man's Taye Biddle.
  10. It's probably easier to build something on the moon than it is to build anything bigger than an Arby's in SC.
  11. Last person out of doge turn out the light, lol
  12. I didn't even need to operate the hand crank this time.
  13. @bleys in huddle jamz II? @Johnny Rockets @Jbro in huddle jamz I?
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