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Everything posted by Ace_Aladdin

  1. Man NFL really fuged us with the Greg Hardy situation, Imagine the DL and the secondary we would have had.
  2. Offense needs play smart and drive down the field and get the W , Keep Pounding!
  3. I think we should still have fast shifty WR and let the big boys work the outside when we need them.
  4. Nice drive Offense, Defense needs to play smart and aggresive and get this W!
  5. Clear fumble and not enough evidence to overturn it. Offense needs to get a TD fug the FG.
  6. Defense needs to step up and get a TO! Peanut Punch FTW. BTW we should have been up by 14 pts
  7. Gotta score quickly and defense needs to creat some TO! Keep Pounding
  8. Need to get a TD on this drive and defense needs to bottle Saints up for the 2nd half.
  9. I would like to see more QB rollout and bootlegs in the endzone.
  10. Olsen playing hard today , lets score TDs and start piling it on the Saints!
  11. Defense better get 3 and out. We need pressure and lay down some wood on these WRs & RBs
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