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Everything posted by RoaringRiot

  1. Think about that for a second.... The Panthers win.... The stadium empties.... Panthers fans stay and have a celebration party in both of the pools. Wow...
  2. Yep....just confirmed that the cabanas stay open for 2 hours after the game. Not sure if I'm excited or scared...
  3. I need to confirm, but I think it stays open after the game. But not sure how that works with them not serving after the 3rd. I'll check on it now....
  4. They can be....unless you're scared.
  5. They also have changing rooms with showers.
  6. You can also pop bottles if you want. It's like $115 for a bottle. Not unreasonable...
  7. You signed up without knowing that? They bring food out that whole time too.
  8. Yes....beer & wine. From 2 hours before the game until the end of the 3rd quarter.
  9. It's going to be pretty ridiculous.
  10. Sitting around 425 people going. And less than a month until the schedule comes out.
  11. Another gem from this guy. I would trade Brooklyn Bully for the guy who wrote this ridiculous article.
  12. When you have to brag to your 95% male listeners how much of a ladies man you are then you're more than likely not a ladies man.
  13. So now we know radio is fake and the salary cap is a myth. Next thing you know someone is going to tell us that unicorns are make believe.
  14. We were talking about why Kroeger would ever leave the Charlotte market - I said money. But you're right....whoever offered Marc more money should be fired or have to pay it themselves.
  15. The whole "needing co-hosts" comment by Marc pretty much sums it up for me. I enjoy when Kroeger has cohost...not because he needs them for support, but because it's interesting to hear serval ideas on the topics. Marc would rather listen to himself babble for 5 hours about the Knicks and Raiders. Edit: just think about that Marc....you're a fan of the Knicks and Raiders.
  16. I think Kroeger is great. I couldn't listen to that slot when it was just Marc James. If you don't like Kroeger then I have no idea what you would want in a local sports radio host. The guy is intelligent, speaks well, he stays objective all while being a homer. After years of listening to fans of other teams talk to me about my team, it's so refreshing to have someone who shares the same passion for the Panthers debating topics that I'm actually interest in.
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