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Everything posted by TheRumGone

  1. yeah more than likely but now is the time to flatten this thing as much as possible so we can build up our resources and give our scientists time to figure this thing out but we have dumbasses in this country.
  2. people are gonna travel for whatever right now not just beaches. it seems like it would be virtually impossible to stop people from traveling to other states.
  3. this is what i meant when i said as long as people don't travel to different states. https://www.yahoo.com/news/60-000-people-headed-georgia-143132026.html
  4. As long as they’re getting the job done who cares. This is a pandemic.
  5. Good. There needs to be other requirements that are guidelines like osha stuff where places that are frequented like grocery stores and pharmacies to protect the public and the workers. They need to be audited like regular but with these new guidelines in place. also those that can do their jobs from home remain home. I’ve already read stories of companies requiring workers to come back to work when they can easily do their jobs from home. this is just a handful of things off the top of my head. This should be the new normal going forward.
  6. Also masks need to be mandatory with major fines if not (like driving without a seatbelt) and free when out in public. We should’ve been ramping up production on this already.
  7. I think moving to a state by state basis is ok as long as people aren’t traveling to other states/cities. But then how do you enforce that? But that trajectory should be looking like Italy’s. If we reopen too soon, i.e. like Georgia. All that good work goes away and we have to start over. We need to ramp up testing a ton and start contact tracing programs. That’s what they’re doing in Italy and other successful countries. Everyone who wants a test gets a test. The logistics of that are difficult but it needs to happen as quickly as possible.
  8. italy is beginning to reopen because of this downward trajectory. This is the direction we need to be moving in collectively before we reopen.
  9. Wtf is this suppose to mean dude? What you’re insinuating is bullshit. Look at models of other countries like Italy and France and how they’re phasing in reopening. We are not there yet. We don’t wanna fug up all the progress we’ve made and go back to square one.
  10. If the world didn’t quarantine we absolutely would be hitting millions of deaths. We’re at a quarter of a million right now with drastic quarantines. we are gonna have to reopen but doing it right now like some states are is fuging stupid.
  11. Obviously you do but we are in a certain situation where we can’t do that right now. Saying we should go out and interact because we need to build up immunities is stupid right now.
  12. All I’m saying is take what that lady said with a grain of salt because she is trying to profit also. The stuff about letting people out because our bodies need to build immunity and this is a government takeover is fuging stupid. This virus will kill millions if we don’t mitigate and shelter in place. This is just the reality of the situation. All this we shouldn’t close beaches because the ocean minerals nonsense is dumb.
  13. This country is full of bullshit so I apologize if i’m skeptical about a YouTube interview. It’s why capitalism sucks donkey balls. Yes I believe people are looking to profit out of tragedies. And I think that’s exactly what this lady is trying to do as well by pimping her book in that interview. i won’t take a vaccine until it’s been properly studied long term that’s just my personal opinion though.
  14. That lady is promoting her book. Next.
  15. Yes obviously. But they were able to tell differences between Europe and China because I guess it slightly mutated in Europe.
  16. Yeah we don’t know. And some scientists are saying that the antibody tests can be inaccurate. I read there’s two or three different strains of this and they can pinpoint where the virus came from in different hot spots. Like NYC virus came from Europe not China. But this virus doesn’t mutate like the flu. From everything I’ve read they’re speculating immunity will be seasonal. No one is gonna know for certain until time passes. https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/20/everything-we-know-about-coronavirus-immunity-and-antibodies-and-plenty-we-still-dont/ here’s a good article. They are just educated guesses though.
  17. You can continue to get vaccines. Maybe it’s a once yearly thing or twice a year like a flu shot.
  18. I suspect this has been around wayyyy longer then actually known. In France they tested someone who had passed from pneumonia in December and came back positive for covid19. Thats more than a full month before they initially suspected it started. my city had the second or third known case in America February 5th. We have a bunch of Chinese students who came back from Chinese New Year. Those people for sure infected people on their flights/in the airports in Chicago and other places. My SO had the same symptoms; fever, nasty cough that lasted a month end of February. Like a really scary cough. I never had symptoms. Can’t know for sure if it was covid but it seems like it looking back. Now the biggest problem is that it is starting to look like immunity is short lived. We really are gonna have to have a vaccine.
  19. The problem is they don’t know yet if herd immunity is a thing or not or how long it lasts. That said this can’t go on like this for years obviously so somethings gonna have to give at some point.
  20. Well they made two awesome kids so I’ll take it I guess.
  21. My brother in law is a dumbass. Born and raised in California, lived there his whole life and loves nascar, hates Colin Kaepernick and refused to watch the nfl. I went to visit them this past year outside Burbank. Those types of people are fuging everywhere.
  22. I’m from California. There are idiots everywhere across every state. Parts of California, Washington and Oregon have huge libertarian demographics. They hunt, watch nascar and drink Budweiser and listen to that god awful music on the radio they call country music nowadays. It’s not just a southern state thing.
  23. We’re gonna need UBI and massive socialist programs to actually help people just survive but meanwhile Las Vegas mayor on cnn is talking about opening up the casinos and how America should just open everything up and if some places become hot spots, it’s that establishments fault and then let the free market figure it out. Can’t make this poo up.
  24. My SO works for a company that lets businesses work from home easier. They also just created software for ventilator manufacturers and hospital workers to know how to build/run ventilators properly. It’s a huge collaboration. Besides working I have played more video games in the past two months then I have in the past 5 years. People are going to be looking for many forms of entertainment at home throughout this and that’s gonna heavily rely on tech companies.
  25. Business is BOOMING for tech people.
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