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Everything posted by TheRumGone

  1. I wouldn’t even look at an overall chart of American cases. I’d look at each state as an individual country. There’s gonna be peaks at different times across the country. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/chicago-er-doctor-explains-why-coronavirus-pandemic-scares-him/ here’s another vid from a doctor in West Chicago.
  2. people downplaying this need to watch videos and interviews from doctors that work in the ER. This is just the beginning. This lady is probably going to get fired for going public with this but if this doesn’t tell you how serious this is I don’t know what else will. Healthy 30-50 year old, non smokers, no underlying health illnesses are getting really really sick. We stress our system enough and a lot of people in this age range will die. Healthy or not. Keep in mind this doctor works at a ER in New York. She has seen it all. And she is freaked the fug out. Stay the fug home.
  3. Problem is people who aren’t deemed “vulnerable” or “at risk” are dying from this. Not as large of numbers but it’s happening all over. An infant died in Chicago yesterday from this. First case of that happening ever. You can’t just tell people to go about your business even if you’re not in that at risk group because people still won’t feel safe until there are means to successfully treat this. then you have tens of millions of people who don’t even know they are at risk because they can’t afford health insurance and regular doctor check ups.
  4. Don’t leave your house at all (if you’re one of the lucky ones that can WFH) and you don’t have to worry about touching your face. Today i hit 4 weeks of quarantine. I’ve only been out twice and that was drive thru drop box prescriptions while wearing nitrile gloves. Get groceries delivered if you can, take the groceries out of the bags and throw them away immediately, sanitize everything you need to put in the refrigerator and leave boxes out in the garage for a couple days. any amazon orders/mail gets put in the garage for at least two days before opened. Always wearing nitrile gloves whenever something gets touched from the outside. Then come in and wash your hands with warm water and soap. I’m probably going overboard but I’ve been reading about this virus since it started in Wuhan. It is not something to fug around with. And I’m protecting my family as much as I possibly can so that I can have peace of mind that I did everything I possibly could to prevent infection. At first all of this was really scary changing habits. Now it’s just routine. People need to do the same in general. Even if you don’t have a family, you protecting yourself protects healthcare workers from the system getting stressed. Do your part.
  5. Boris Johnson tested positive oh weeeeee mayne
  6. Canada has already said they’re not sending any athletes. Others will follow soon.
  7. Harvey Weinstein tested positive. That is karma. But also means our prison system is probably overly infected.
  8. Looks like this link/article was removed
  9. I understand. My hope is that some positives come out of this ordeal. One is that people will become more aware of the injustices around the country/world. For instance. One coronavirus survivor got charged 34k for her hospital visit. What does that say about our health care system? Joe Biden is about to become the democratic nominee, has said he would veto any m4a bill even if it had bipartisan support. Meanwhile his sons cancer was going to force him to sell his house until Obama footed the bill. 99% of people do not have that luxury of having a rich friend who would do that. both democratic and republican senators were made aware of this virus and how things would turn south. Instead of alerting the American public. They sold stocks. This is insanity. I just hope now that this is going to affect millions upon millions of Americans and they’re gonna see it live on TV that we start moving towards policies that benefit the whole of America instead of just some. Because we are only as strong as our weakest and this virus is about to show that up close and personal.
  10. I’m being facetious. Dying isn’t the only thing to be concerned about if you are in that field. They are about to go through trauma on a massive scale. I don’t like this mentality well 1.4 million people died of starvation since December. Equally awful things doesn’t give perspective. They are all awful.
  11. Oh yeah send that to them too.
  12. Go ahead and send this out to all the health care workers in the country I’m sure this will put them at ease.
  13. The earliest sample they found in Wuhan was November 17th. So probably earlier than that.
  14. I think pharmacies and grocery stores will stay open but I agree everyone needs to put their poo in order really fuging quick
  15. I’m not sure how they stop it because they banned it after SARS but there was black market stuff still going on. They obviously need to do more but this isn’t just a China thing. The world needs to come together and beat this. And they need to come together afterwards with a pandemic response plans whenever this happens again. Because it will. And it’s possible for it to be worse. And it won’t necessarily be in China.
  16. That is a bit misleading because people in that age range can still have underlying health conditions but I understand where you’re coming from. I’m looking at some cases in the Washington area where a couple 20 and 30 year olds had to be intubated and they are completely healthy people. People need to be made more aware of this.
  17. Also I’m not saying this to try to scare people or cause a panic. But young people need to take this just as seriously. Even if it was 4 or 5 healthy people in their 20s and 30s out 300 people on respirators in that one area of Washington, you extrapolate that country wide and it’s serious. I totally get where you are coming from. We cannot panic, we’re gonna be ok and make it through this, but everyone needs to take this very fuging serious and not downplay it whatsoever. We just don’t know enough about this virus yet.
  18. Also countries have never shut down like this in my memory. Actual scientists are advising governments.
  19. You should read up on the people in their 20s and 30s who are not smokers and have no health conditions and are in good shape contracting this virus and having to be put on respirators. It seems that this virus is incredibly unpredictable on how it affects people. Young healthy people need to be just as cautious.
  20. Not really if you support Andrew Yang
  21. Bernie Sanders. if corporations get the bailout in this catastrophe instead of the poor/middle class, Americans should be very afraid of an uprising. It will be catastrophic. But I’ll stop there since this is deemed to political for the main forum.
  22. Yup. Gonna have to take socialist measures for there not to be anarchy. Low income people will not last months. We’re talking weeks here and there will be people fighting for their lives unless the government intervenes. This will affect millions upon millions of people in just a few short weeks. in my city. Restaurant workers are already petitioning to the governor desperate because they’re not gonna be able to afford rent or food.
  23. I’m talking about the healthcare system collapsing, not society in general. You are forgetting how many more deaths there will be strictly because the hospitals are overloaded. People don’t stop going to the ER for other reasons outside of this Virus. Flu season is still happening. People will die and not just because of this particular virus. You stretch workers too thin, some will quit, most are gonna get infected at some point. Some will die. If our hospitals collapse deaths are gonna be off the charts with people not being able to be saved. Those numbers will more than likely not be counted towards the coronavirus death rate but it will be significant. That’s why some people are getting very worried in general more so than any other new infectious disease. This is just spreading so damn quickly. if you know any healthcare workers talk to them. They are terrified right now.
  24. Im talking about in the US not the world, 150 million infections. Some scientists have thrown that number based on how highly contagious this virus is. I don’t think it’ll get to that point based on the precautions we’ve taken so far worth shutting down of schools and social stuff but it’s still gonna be a fug ton of people. im looking at places like Italy to happen in pockets of America, especially large cities. That would be catastrophic imo. most of us are levelheaded, we’re just not downplaying the seriousness of it. and yes we have a horrid healthcare system which is why I could see it collapsing and the death rate going up because they can’t keep up. That’s why death rate is so high in Italy. They don’t have the resources. Now imagine that happening in 100-200 cities across the US. That is insane imo.
  25. What happens if 150 million people get infected and it has a death rate of 1%? Is that not significant to you? Then on top of that what about the people that don’t die of the virus but die because they can’t get care at the hospital. Those death rates won’t even be counted. What death toll is insignificant for you? in France 50% of the people in ICU’s are under 50. That should scare you. im hoping you are right and we just see a big spike and then it goes away but literal scientists are warning that this is gonna get really really bad. two ER doctors are in ICU in Seattle from it already. Our healthcare system could collapse.
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