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Everything posted by CarolinaCoolin

  1. Any other employer doesn't matter. He's a football player. Receiving free food or shouting an internet meme on a college campus or getting falsely accused of rape isn't some damning character flaw. The only reason any one cares is because he's a good football player that they make mountains out of mole hills on so many non stories it's crazy. For god sake this kid was accused midseason of an autograph scandal by ESPN which turned out to be completely false. Everyone else is scared to say it but I will. Jameis Winston receives the type of media scrutiny he does is because he is an amazing black quarterback and there are still people in the media and in the league at large that don't like seeing it. These stories about him "stealing" crab legs turns out to be just a story of a guy having a connection and getting free food. Him having an autograph scandal which turns out to be bogus. Rape accusations... Turns out the police and the school investigate, no crime found. Like I said, it says an awful lot about that this is your natural line of thinking and how you just eat up what the media feeds you. Judging someone off false news reports and doubling down on it when proven false. You need to do some serious self reflection.
  2. This is just another case of Goodell trying to flex his commissioner power and make examples out of people. This suspension is for all intents and purposes a news headline. Look everyone we suspended him 10 games. Way more than just 2. And then Hardys appeal will come thru and will most likely be dropped and by then no one will care.
  3. Yeah on one side you have people who care about justice and what's fair and on the other side you have people who think it's ok to punish people purely on accusations and perception. I know what side I'm on.
  4. You and NFL gms aren't in agreement on this. The people who have a opinions that actually matter have said this is of no concern to them. It's telling though you have people in this thread calling a young black kid who received some free food a thief.
  5. Yeah cause Jameis is a thief for accepting free food. God forbid. The horror. Get of your high horse. This stuff goes on all the time everywhere everyday involving people with less fame than Jameis. I mean you are a noted TB bigot so you calling a black kid a thief fits your MO
  6. Mad hatter is only worried about the real victim in all this teeray... The grocery store not getting that money for the crab legs smh
  7. If there was any amount of evidence to suspend him for THAT Much surely they would have still had a case in the jury trial they dropped right?
  8. He hasn't sat any games yet. This is still far from over.
  9. Plus you'd think the team and fanbase who drafted cam with all the concerns he had coming out would be a little more sympathetic and hopeful about a kid like that who could have very well already cleaned up his act. But no "suspension waiting to happen" smh
  10. There's one person in this thread who apparently can tell the future and knows this kid is going to be suspended. This is a kid from a good family who made a couple mistakes and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think it's more damning to the people who are trying to right this kid off as a problem already. What a great outstanding person smh
  11. Mr scot: king of straw men and shitty arguments
  12. He was a botched abortion. Seems to me like all he does is win lol
  13. Just wait til he gets used to a full NFL season and learns the game enough to where he doesn't have to think he can just play and play fast. Can't wait
  14. The Golden Calf of Bristol is a polarizing figure. Yall act surprised when the media and ESPN talk about him but then can't shut up about him, give ESPN clicks and views and ratings. Then wonder why he keeps being talked about. Listen ESPN only runs things that will get them ratings and money. If you don't like them talking about The Golden Calf of Bristol don't watch don't click don't speak on him. As for chip kelly having a large ego, how? Because he made some moves "fans" question or don't see the rhyme or reason behind? But yeah I totally coached up this ten year old so I totally know about football and qbs. Some of Yall make me laugh
  15. Not really. Jersey sale revenue is shared by all 32 teams.
  16. I don't think we find a guy outside of project who won't make an immediate impact
  17. As a guy living in the Maryland Baltimore area you couldn't be more wrong.
  18. Only two teams with a losing record have made it to the playoffs. We are an anomaly, we literally lucked into it. We didn't earn it. We got it because everyone else sucked harder. You can't call us the better team because you know you'd be lying.
  19. So you are conceding the fact the Eagles were a better team than us last year correct? Cause if not you can stop posting poo. Any normal league year the system works fine yes but then You get years like last were teams who had no business being in the playoffs make it. Like us. We lucked into the playoffs and had a gift wrapped home playoff game against arguably one of the worst qbs to ever take an NFL snap and we still almost lost. You don't have any legit argument to suggest Kelly is a bad coach or that the panthers were more deserving of a playoff berth without completely talking out of your ass and saying since our division sucked hard we deserved to be in there. Or that they lost to the Redskins or some garbage.
  20. I mean losing your starting qb and having to play ark Sanchez had nothing to do with that at all right? Just the cause of Kelly's poor coaching down the stretch right? Your argument is bogus. Can you tell me with a straight face that if our teams from last year played eachother 10 times in a row that we'd honestly win more than like 3 of those games? Say it with me. The Eagles were a better team than us last year. 10-6>7-8-1. Math.
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