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Everything posted by CarolinaCoolin

  1. No I think he just lets the story take its natural course. He knows how it ends. How he gets it there he lets happen organically.
  2. Pretty much confirms Ollie is going to stab the fug outta jon
  3. Now that he is playing football exclusively instead of splitting time between football and baseball the hitch will be corrected
  4. Martin won't even be their starter. By the way Green Bay is laughing at that best rb/wr/te core
  5. After seeing the casting calls and remembering stannis' talk with Sam about his dad this season it makes sense
  6. Yeah not knowing if Jon is dead or not til the next season would be pretty huge. Idk if that's break the Internet huge. I honest have no clue where they are going to go with it. If it's as big as they are saying I can't wait regardless. I don't get all the hate for this season tbh
  7. Cersei's walk will happen before the last episode I think. Could be Jon being attacked, could be dany leaving the pit. They said break the internet so I could only imagine what it will be
  8. Good post, not only that but some here seriously forget about actual game speed vs 40 time. Lots of 4.4 and under guys don't play at that speed with pads or guys with slow straight line speed are faster coming in and out of breaks. Boykin isn't a burner but he is probably the most solid number 3 we currently have and that's perfectly ok. Cause that's all we need him to be.
  9. I think you are confusing this as just being challenging for the sake of challenging. This is just a true observation on how most low iq huddlers like to operate in the face of an opinion not widely held by everyone. All they know is how to attack and shout down dissenting opinion.
  10. I have first hand experience of logical, objectively and rationally expressing my opinion and multiple posters falling over themselves to be mouth breathing hillbillies because I was challenging their group think.
  11. He's been a solid role piece. He's not suppose to be jerry rice and we don't need him to be.
  12. Looks like Igo came to the only logical conclusion is this case.
  13. In general you are right about the things you learned from the huddle. Challenge the group think and they literally poo themselves. It's quite funny actually.
  14. It's like teams magically fall apart and allow him to score then the offense turns it over or goes 3 and out now, he has the ball again and about to score. it's literally insane. His last name is scary appropriate.
  15. Luck has the interesting way of lulling the other team into a false sense of security by playing like poo for the first half then getting quick scores to win the game in the 4th. I've seen so many of his games be crazy comebacks because he played terribly early on. The Chiefs playoff game is the biggest one.
  16. Yeah I second this nomination. As for the ass hat dissing Stephs child. I was watching the post game presser and liked the fact she was out there. They had a shot of him before the game with her getting his kisses from his daughter and that showed me the game to him is never bigger than his family which I loved. Steph is my favorite player though so I'm bias as fug
  17. Sherman's team won the Super Bowl. Watts didn't make the playoffs... Being on the best team/defense. Winning the biggest game. If Sherman got the cover off of media hype it was more because of these factors than the rant I assure you. Also Sherman is definitely top 5. The only thing arguable about that is if he is number 1 overall. Which I believe he is. What are 5 dbs ahead of him?
  18. Voted for him because of the rant or that he was the best corner that year and proved it on the national stage win the game and go to the super bowl? Id more inclined to believe the latter. The hype train for obj was rolling way before week 12.
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