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Everything posted by CarolinaCoolin

  1. Yeah... That's the point. It means absolutely nothing to say "oh yeah guys totallyyyyy knew fans would be upset about losing greg Hardy to another team" Every fan base would be upset seeing one of their stars go to another team. Mr. Scots hot takes and just pipin hot #huddlebeatwriter
  2. That sentiment is very much true in all aspects of the game on this board. Atleast when it comes to team building, cap management, and offensive philosophy. A lot of fans are stuck in the grandpas NFL mindset
  3. Fans are upset one of the teams best players is being let go in one of the worst fashions in team history. Geez what a hot take that is mr scot!! Anymore mythical sage wisdom from you? What's the weather going to be like tomorrow? What's the Star Wars episode 7 release date? These are questions only you have answers to oh wise one please tell us.
  4. I'm not going to fault a guy for trying to keep occupied while the league basically told him to go fug himself for a year and counting.
  5. Why would I show remorse for something I didn't do?
  6. People seem to forget we were one of the last two teams to win Anthony Collins services but he chose TB. It's not like Gettleman was ok we are only rolling with bell and chandler this season and not looking for anyone else. Gettleman looked in other directions and determined that no tackle was worth the investment this year. He didn't like any tackles in the draft enough to use a pick and the tackle he wanted in FA chose a different team but was offered the same contract. But then we get bs posters in here talking about "reality" gtfo
  7. He knows if he lists anything all faux credibility he's tried to acquire will be blown to hell because once he does try to do a better job than Gettleman he will be exposed for a know-nothing with shitty ideas but a big mouth
  8. Yeah I don't know where you got that I think Denver is the only team utilizing FA. But you obviously sound like a tool who likes the smell of his own farts so good luck with your future endeavors of being a total piss baby
  9. The reason these teams are better is because they have better players. Save for Denver the two teams who made it to the Super Bowl drafted and developed their talent while adding effective but reasonable FA. We are building just like those teams so your argument is dumb.
  10. No it was reported that they both mutually felt it was best for him to look else where.
  11. So you advocate for a through the draft approach to team building? Most the Seattle New England Denver stars were drafted there.
  12. 20-12 record. Top 5 offense two years in a row. If he came here he wouldn't be making these types of moves cause he would already have gotten his qb. You're dumb kid
  13. Am I the only one not as high on strong as everyone else?
  14. We could find someone that better fits our scheme for cheaper and be just as good
  15. No it's because they told him he was only going to catch 40 balls this year and play behind hopkins. If he hits FA he isn't still going to get a monster contract. He will see what his value is and take the money teams will give him. No team is going to give him 10 mil a year.
  16. I was going to post something similar to this after I finished lol Like a deep silence after that last scene.
  17. Hardy missing the whole season had more to do with Ray rice and his video than it did himself. Hardy would have played the whe season without anyone in the media saying a peep if the elevator video doesn't surface. The video is the whole thing.
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