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Everything posted by Zaximus

  1. I love Breaking Bad, but I can't put it above The Wire. Yeah, Wire didn't have a "stand-out actor" but that is what makes it better, because you had handfuls of great characters and actors. You also have a show that changed up each year to a new subject matter and new actors, it was amazing, and I just don't think anything can touch it. For me, it's Wire > Breaking Bad > Sopranos > The Shield. Boardwalk Empire is gaining on The Shield though.
  2. LOL @ Walking Dead being > than BB.
  3. Of course it's fun. It's fun because it hits on all our thoughts at one point or another, of just breaking out and going crazy. That's why Walt loved it so much, the high he got. Also the dark humor is definitely fun.
  4. The Wire, to me, had more memorable characters than any show, although Boardwalk Empire is a close second. It also comes down to preference, some people just want a break from their life and to dive into a fun storyline like BB. The Wire is just gritty, realistic, and pretty much a depressing show altogether, considering I'm pretty sure it's an accurate (mostly) representation of Baltimore and probably other cities in America. It's slow moving, like real police work, with politics and red tape slowing down everyone, like real life.
  5. The Wire is the best TV show I have ever seen. I have seen a LOT of shows, so I don't make that statement lightly. Breaking Bad is amazing too, and it's up there, along with The Shield, M.A.S.H., Seinfeld, Sopranos, etc. I really don't think you can call yourself a serious television viewer if you haven't watched The Wire. Wish it was in HD though, but SD gives it a gritty feel.
  6. I don't Arya becomes full fledge faceless, but I DO think she learns enough to become very, very dangerous between those skills and being a warg. I just don't think she'll let go all those who harmed her family. We'll see though. I love her storyline though. I don't think Jon is dead, I agree, he'll be one of the more important characters I believe. Possibly flying a dragon maybe.... who knows.
  7. Probably thinning out the non-essential characters a bit to dedicate more time to the more essentials. Plus they have some new storylines coming I believe, and really Osha/Rickon aren't a big deal so far.
  8. One of the few albums of theirs I really, really like. This album is amazing.
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