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Everything posted by Zaximus

  1. Torrey Smith would have caught that. Just sayIn. #gettlemagic
  2. Yeah I heard the answer for LT was on the roster last year as well. It's good to be optimistic but we need to also be realistic and get ready. Stewart will get hurt, it's not a IF it's a WHEN at this point, hopefully it's only a few games. We have question marks behind him. We have question marks at LT. Our two DT's and best DE are banged up, Funchess pulled a hammy, Tillman is another not IF but WHEN injury as well. We can still win this division, but as long as we're down talent and have Shula and Rivera as game-day coaches, we're going to get outsmarted and outclassed by better coached teams. We can still be optimistic and hope people step up, but after the Bell/Chandler nonsense last year, we should curb our expectations.
  3. This sucks, even worse that Shula now has an excuse for another lame duck season.
  4. I got a trophy for an unassisted triple play one year in little league, I was pretty stoked about that.
  5. lol we're going to get destroyed on defense if you have Al/Frank out there together.
  6. I think Lamb will play some SF, and Batum possibly too. Kemba and MKG will probably miss time for injuries so we need depth.
  7. Lebron doesn't need to know anything else, why would he, when you can just drive and run over everyone and then get a foul on the way to the basket. In essense, THAT is what is wrong with the NBA now.
  8. You liked Poseidon? It was ok I guess. Best part was when the lights were out in the beginning and some dude let go a vicious rip of a fart like no other. Room smelled up so bad like 10 people excited from the side emergancy door lol. I'm just standing there laughing so hard and my wife is giving me a confused look. Why wasn't everyone else laughing? Wierdos.
  9. You draft Frank who would fit in nicely with Biz, someone finally to help Biz, and then... let Biz go. So all we have now is the same players with no defense. It's confusing. Hope it pans out but I'd be surprised.
  10. We better score 115 points a game next year, because when MKG gets hurt (not and if, but when) and no Biz, we're going to be dominated by teams. Al will be still running to the other end of the court and our soft bigs will be doing nothing.
  11. He's not over-rated when he's one of the best rim protectors in the league and a great rebounder. We're going to be so soft next year. A bunch of guys getting pushed around. Al gets hurt 20 games in, Cody disappears for games at a time, Frank probably sits on the bench because Clifford hates rookies, and Hawes has too much on his back. Marvin will be Marvin. NONE of those guys play defense, Biz did. Biz actually put forth 100% even on bad teams, never whined, and did what he needed. He brought an attitude to an otherwise soft team. Bad move, but not surprised, par for the course. I can't wait to see the black hole, Jefferson, out there with Zeller/Frank getting abused, it's going to be hilarious (not really).
  12. If you're doing both sides of Potter World you better get there early, it may not even be possible during busy season anyway. I did it in Sept. one year and we got there early and was able to do everything, luckily. Got a Voldemort wand, and everyone around me acted disgusted, was great. You should go see Seaworld, always a good time there.
  13. Only make sense if we are shipping Al, but who wants him? Al and Frank on the court... ouch. Frank and Biz, may work actually.
  14. I wish someone would take Al from us, somehow. I'd rather see Biz and Frank playing together. If we put Al with Frank, my lawd that's going to be terrible. Then again Cliff will probably just let Zeller or a vet sit in there and be terrible, because that's how he roles.
  15. It will be the most amazing thing considering who is OC is.
  16. Repeat offenders in cheating. What do we expect? Cheating has won at least a couple super bowls for them especially ours when they knew our plays.
  17. I can't wait for the 3+ hour full version of this movie though.
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