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Little Goody Two Shoes

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Everything posted by Little Goody Two Shoes

  1. Might as well take it in the nuts, that's what this season feels like.
  2. What people forget? I've honestly been surprised how many people are loving this reunion and think it's going to be successful. We don't usually get those kind of positive reactions.
  3. You wait, bitch. (Not meant to be personal) but I'm tired of waiting. CAM! Let's go!
  4. These are all very good things. I still like Rivera (though I'm glad we moved on) but he deserves a big fug u , assuming this is true. Tough guy, leader of men, former player, how do you not communicate thoroughly with your franchise QB. Hope Cam hangs 40 on them next week.
  5. I understand coach speak but there are ways to do it without coming off like an ass. Just like there are ways to reply in a thread without coming off like an ass.
  6. Rhule is talking up Cam, just like he did when he first got here. What irks me is when asked if Cam would start going forward he declined to answer also just like when he first got here. Before last season, after signing Bridgewater Rhule was asked about Teddy being the starter and he had no problem proclaiming him as such. Does he have something against Cam,
  7. Yep. Lot's of pressure though. They've given McVay everything he could want. He'd better produce.
  8. Don't think I gave you poo but I didn't think it would happen. I didn't think either side would swallow their pride. That said, I'm happy it did.
  9. Didn't think it would happen. Not one bit sad, though.
  10. I predict we don't play well the rest of the year.
  11. You're right. But Robbie has dropped a number of balls that hit him in the hands. I'd be fine if we cut them both tomorrow.
  12. Local joint has a special wing sauce each month. This month it's their take on General Tso's, 'General Joe's', so thought I'd give them a try. Probably make some bacon cheese fries to go with them. Haven't drank in a while but feels like a Jack and Coke kind of day.
  13. Yep, it gets the majority of the smoke in the first couple of hours anyway.
  14. We're trying a new 7 WR set. We'll only use 3 offensive linemen. Only 2 to 3 block on any given play, as it is.
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