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Big A

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About Big A

  • Birthday 02/14/1990

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  1. I also found an amazing engram farming area on Venus. Got 46 of them in a little over 20 minutes in this little courtyard, almost all green, but 7 blue, and 1 legendary. It's at the entrance to Ishtar academy, Greg on one side and goblins on other end and they keep spawning.
  2. This wasn't planned, but really funny! http://xboxclips.com/video.php?uid=2533274813211951&gamertag=Hardstyle%20Fight&vid=ee5f0352-8b22-49cd-bff7-fb261818e3e1
  3. Thanks, I finally figured it out when my friends got on. I played till just now and already level 12 in about 4 hours of play. The pvp part at the crucible gives so so so much more XP than the missions, so try that as a way to level up fast. The last guy on moon, phaggot or something is really hard, has anyone beat him?
  4. You could watch some gameplay on twitch and see if it's something you like. I'll play some more later tonight and give you a review after getting more into it.
  5. Anyone else do pre order on Xbone? It came with a vanguard armory but I don't see where it is. All my buddies stayed up all night playing and are sleeping right now so I can't ask any of them. So far the little I played just now still has me liking the free game from a few days ago Warframe little bit more. Well see.
  6. Actually,on a serious note, I'm starting to get stretch marks around my biceps area. I can't find any good info online though on what to do other than a collagen and Vitamin A/E cream. Anyone else deal with this when starting back lifting? I've only been doing more weight for about 2 months as opposed to lots of reps at lower weight I was doing before to tone up. Should I stop moving up in weight till skin catches up?
  7. Fat free yogurt + lemon juice. =. sour cream The Fage brand yogurt already has the same thick consistency of sour cream. I use it in a lot of recipes and sandwiches, try it out Also, trying to up my protein, I've been eating a lot of edamame and broccoli.
  8. Wow, what a snooze fest! I missed Ultra this year since I was in Caribbean, but my friends said Garrix killed it. http://youtu.be/7pFbrxs5FJY
  9. Just to add to his post, here are ingredients that will make it under 300 calories per serving. The marinara has no added sugar or preservatives but is quite tasty, also, a substitute for pasta noodles with either the kelp noodles or Shiritaki noodles will cut carbs by as much as 75% and calories by at least half. Both noodles have same texture and very mild flavor. Meaning you won't taste any difference since all the flavor comes from eggplant , cheese, and sauce
  10. I've been eating raw vegan for almost past year, but will be moving to more of a paleo diet when the that year ends next week, so it's been a while since I had bread or cheese. The naan bread is thicker and tastier, but you can have almost twice as much lavash for same calories. I would take the lavash and cook it a little first, then put sauce and cheese and finish it off a few more minutes in toaster oven and it basically comes out just like a pizza cracker. You can also soft boil some eggs, mash them up with a tiny amount of real butter and spread over the toasted lavash and it's like eggs and toast (crackers). The naan bread from whole foods brand also comes in garlic flavored which was great for the pizzas and probably the tastiest way to make them. It's taken quite a while to find healthy options of common food since most of it is loaded with additives and preservatives and found most of whole foods fresh stuff is usually free of any of this. They have a sweeter pizza sauce that I haven't tried, but the marinara sauce I use is pretty awesome. I got a bunch of recipes and stuff I can share if you want help finding healthier versions for anything else. I made this raw vegan fudge last week that was super tasty using cacao nibs, medijool dates, cocunut oil, and almond butter. If you never tried medijool dates, they are just like caramel and worth a try to satisfy sweet craving.
  11. You can make a pretty healthy one using Naan or Lavash bread. use the marinara sauce from whole foods, some fresh mozzarella cheese and a little basil and you have a much healthier version. I would also use Paul Prudhomme pizza and pasta seasoning. Result is much healthier lower calorie, no gmo, preservatives or additives that taste awesome and won't ruin you daily calorie count.
  12. Saw your tweet about eating the Special K protein bars. Thought you would have chosen a healthier option than one with low quality protein and hydrogenated oils. Here's a quick article that may help you: http://www.leanitup.com/food-court-special-k-meal-bars/
  13. Did you watch it locally or online? I saw them interview the guy that made it on Real Time last week and wanted to see it but couldn't find it locally. Sugar is basically the new cocaine and the addiction starts young. If you enjoyed that, you may want to check out Hungry for Change, awesomely informative documentary! http://www.hungryforchange.tv
  14. Can you post a countdown to the squid whole arm tattoo? I'm really looking forward to laughing a lot, so hopefully it happens soon!

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