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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Edwin J Robinson - " I spent all my money on wine, woman and gambling...............the rest of it I wasted"
  2. Future news headlines........."After Three Weeks on the Job Search Firm is Fired by Tepper"
  3. I watched the Panther 2003 season last night......the highlights and big plays of the playoffs against Dallas, Rams, Philly and then the SB after they tied the score 29/29 then of course didn't want to watch those last 2 mins........ but thought after watching all that from Delhomme coming in the Tampa game and their blocking that PA with time gone to prevent Tampa from winning all the way to the SB and thought what a year and what a team. What you have today is so far from that...................Tepper doesn't know what passion is in sports. The 2003 Panthers had it by the bucket loads that year. All of it coming after a 1-15 season the year before. Tepper has truly ruined a franchise because they have to win...............but they have to win on his terms to his glory. A SB bowl for the Panthers under his ownership would be a win for his ego and the Carolinas and their fan base just happens to be his conduit but are mostly a liability in his mind.
  4. The Buc has something to fight for with the division and playoffs on the line for them...........what do the Panthers have? Well with no incentive to win they can at least tank again to get that #1 dr.............oh wait.
  5. Question........where was Nicole when all this cup gate stuff happened? Strange that she was not seen or talked about in that incident.
  6. I'd rather players respect coaches who know how to win and inspire them to do so.........if they get along with them fine...........if not, as along as they respect them because they know how to when that is what counts. No use being buddies with the players when you are under .500..................
  7. That's good..............if you want to be a punter instead next year you need to practice that motion but stretch the leg out a little farther if it doesn't hurt too much.
  8. Everything you ever needed to know about Fitter you saw on display when Tepper threw his drink at the end of the Jags game.
  9. Cheerleading a positive attitude in the last game of this season with the panthers this year is like going to the doctors office for a cough thinking you have some minor bronchia issue and finding out you have stage 5 lung cancer. Put a lid on the "let's play great"!............ After getting their brains bashed all season I'm surprised they didn't forfeit the contest.
  10. Harbaugh and Tepper...............two bulls in a china shop fighting of the last word in every conversation about the Panthers. How's that going to work out when one of them would end up walking out on the other at "get acquainted" dinner? Thanks to Tepper everything in this franchise is going down the rabbit hole so that he can remain right........ My money...........my team.
  11. Carolina Calamities Carolina Confusions Carolina Catastrophes Carolina Collapse Carolina Cataclysms Carolina Tribulations Carolina Spastics Carolina FC Fools Carolina Draft Jesters Tepper Horseman of the Apocalypse Fitts Grand Mal Seizures Nicole Knocked Ups Send the Meteor For Gods Sake!
  12. Carolina Drink Tantrums.......
  13. Tepper is a Ford Pinto stopped at an intersection just about to get verbally rear ended by a fan.......
  14. Here is a billion dollars in $100 bills stacked on 12 pallets................Tepper has 20.6 loads of what you see here or a total of 2,472 pallets of $100 bills. The individual wrapped stacks of $100 bills you see here in the foreground are worth about $300k.........so his fine is one of those individual stacks from a palletized supply over 20 times larger than what you see here. Or if you were "just a millionaire" that fine by percentage would amount to $14.98.
  15. "Wait til next year!!"..........eventually worked for the Cubs. But not under this franchise ownership. Tepper is like a guy with no medical education who is the majority owner of a hospital and after while sitting as chairman on the medical board that is responsible to hiring a team for their neurological department pushes undue pressure on them as to who he wants to hire.... ...and then ends up standing over a neurosurgeon while a patient is under the knife and is telling the neurosurgeon how to how to relieve cerebrospinal fluid build up during hydrocephalus of the brain. Let the people who know what they are doing that you hired do the job they were hired to do........... and go play golf or at least sit back and just watch from the viewing section. Only a person with a God complex (I have more money so I am God) and as a result of all that money concludes they have to be the smartest person......... in the room of any environment......... and as a result meddle in areas where they have no ideal what they are doing. That is literally the worse person you can have to try to inspire others................... The fact that Tepper is from Pittsburgh, Pa is an embarrassment to this native of that town. Too bad we don't have owners of NFL teams like this man anymore who said his team belongs to the people and fans of the town they are in and as a mortal saw himself as having the privilege of acting more like a curator of that franchise than an outright owner of it.
  16. The tearing down the house and then building a bigger one on top of it if one of the first signs of a person with the I'm God syndrome..............revenge!
  17. Young's ceiling looks like it might be Delhomme like.....not bad (and Jake was a baller in his prime) but not what you would expect from an NFL #1 overall draft pick for a QB position.
  18. yup..........what if he plays well enough and the team is producing 5 to 7 win seasons.............you could be mired in that mess for a long time thinking any year now we will contend for the division again........
  19. Based on everything you have seen going on with the Panthers under the ownership of Tepper..........if you had to change the name of this team what name would you give them?
  20. As soon as I heard he was a billionaire hedge fund manager............the simple fact is to develop wealth in the financial markets within that venue does nothing to add to a real economy but fleeces it by inflating the money supply...along with the resultant decisions in hedge funds that end up negatively impacting the lives of those struggle to make a living in the real economy to their gain. To make that kind of money and sleep well at night knowing the consequences of your decisions on others for your profit and gain..........one must be void of empathy (or a sociopath) and in some cases feel so superior to others (narcissist) that you actually enjoy crushing and causing issues for those who you are above (psychopathy). When you read the story of his revenge over a former Goldman Sachs CEO that passed over promoting him because of his personality issues and his result purchase of that CEO's home and leveling it to build a bigger one in its place is all one needs to know that this man is mentality a liability to society let alone the NFL.
  21. Tepper's actions are revealing in his personality type..............consider that type of person involved with decision making with his team. One would think if Tepper was being pushed verbally within an ear shot by a fan that he would simply ignore that and have security (what billionaire doesn't have a flock of security within a finger point around them) address the issue and remain calm knowing that in his position if he reacts the way he did it could potentially complicate the situation. Take that same personality/ emotional state that stymies realizing the consequences of such action and think how this same trait would be a liability to his making strategic decisions involving team talent and/or coaching. Sure he can say the "buck stops here" and assume that is a statement of integrity........but if you own the team and have a mind set that you are accountable to nobody.....then what integrity is that showing? and anyone who in that same press conference says "nobody has ever left working for him" as a apple polishing of his loyalty without realizing it is really just pleading the 5th as a rose by any other name. I have a friend who was a big time hedge fund manager and his "big swinging dick" / brass balls personality beyond wall street was arrested in the sociability of a 8th grader...........it seems to be in the water these hedge fund managers live by and the Panthers, fans and the Carolinas in general are stuck with one of them. After all..........he's the smartest guy in the room that has to tell you they are the smartest guy in the room because......well after all.......they've got more money than any of you because of that..............how lovely.
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