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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. I haven't heard or seen anything to overhype that game because I don't look for it..........not too hard to do......when it comes time to play the game then I'll turn on the TV set............that's it..................why all the fuss about claiming its overhyped? Do other things all week...........
  2. I found it interesting that an officials time out during the game held up play because they didn't have the right ball on the line of scrimmage for NE by the ball boy?.....................First time I ever saw that in a game. Does anyone remember when NE won a playoff game with a snow plow clearing the ground for the FG kicker to have a clean kick.......but that plow was no where to be found for the opposing team when they had to kick a FG.
  3. You collectors might be interested in this story.....................I have an aunt that was an airline flight attendant in the early 60's........she happened to be selected as one of the charter flight attendants that was on the flight for the Beatles first visit to America and their return trip. On the way over she got a PR press photo taken of her with all four Beatles surround her along with manager Brian Epstein. the Press guy developed it and gave it to her.........in a large print. On the return flight everyone signed it for her..................she has lithographs of it but the original is secured in a bank security box Note a bad collectors piece? She also has many athletes from that time including Jim Brown and Johnny Unitas.
  4. Yeah when I was growing up the skirts where hiking way past the knees...........women were getting rid of bras..............and growing their hair done to their lower backs......... Whew what a time to be 14 yrs old.
  5. Back in 67' when I was in 7th grade we had a teacher like that right in the middle of the heydays of mini skirts..............she was our English teacher and lucky me my homeroom teacher too. No male and I mean no male paid attention in class.......she would have us sit in a semi circle and frequency she would sit in one of our desks right in front of us with those mini skirts. Good Lawd have mercy. I don't remember much from my Junior HS days except once when a buddy was chasing me down the hallway during lunch hour she was a hall monitor and saw me coming................I was attempting to jook past her when she stood her ground and stopped me with a bear hug. The highlight of my life as a preteen years.
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