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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Apple and oranges my friend.............try to accumulate 2.9 B of stock without tilting the spread skyword on the liquidity of the trades over the time it would take you to gather that position..........Tepper made the deal in one strike with an NFL team..........
  2. "Just because you are rich doesn't mean you are smart" Yeah right.................. Market value of Panthers when purchased by Tepper in 2018 2.275 Billion Current market value of Panthers in 2021 2.910 Billion in 3.5 years Tepper has seen a 63 million appreciation on his investment........ Now let's look at the "fan" side of investing their loyalty, time and money on this team during that same period. Panther record through the 1st 7 weeks in 2018 5-2 Panther record through the 1st 7 weeks in 2021 3-4 Now whose is the smart one.............and who are the suckers?
  3. Here's your equation........... Rodney Peat = Sam Darnold > Jimmy Clausen and that's not saying much.........
  4. No NFL team owners are hurting from their initial purchase to the current market value of their teams...........as a result some owners while they would certainly like to see their team win it is not hurting their bottom line. Collectively the NFL team values tend to raise all boats together. That stated Tepper has more value in his investment now than when he started out so....... as long as it stays in the black then winning could remain secondary to his goal of making money as an owner............... On the other hand PSL owners tend to live and die on the record with what they can get out of their investment..........its like the PSL owners took much of the risk with the cost of the stadium being built instead of the owner........ and with this team as it currently is performing...........it makes the losses hurt more for the PSL owners knowing that doesn't help the market value of their investment. An ugly situation for a franchise to be in...........from the fan side of things. Personally, I don't get wrapped up in any sports where it would hurt my pocket book.....if the games are on tv free then I'll watch them or if I get free tickets I might go to a game................but I never saw reason to spend any money on people making millions playing a game.........
  5. Rhule = Joel Osteen with 80 more lbs of fat.
  6. Welcome to no man's land in the NFL..............right there in that "never make the playoffs record" but stuck in lower draft picks too..... Fun fun fun..........ask the Jets and Lions fans about that legacy that is now playing out here............
  7. First press conference I ever heard him speak at when he was hired to coach the Panthers....... ..he sounded like a cross between Mr. Rogers and a motivational speaker........and spoke about football like it was a kids summer. I made a prediction at that time he would last 3 years in the NFL before ending up in college again.......I still stand by that prediction.
  8. Guy is legally toxic.................stay away. Besides.......with no O line his scrambling will eventually get him "Cam-ized" inguries.......so now you have a QB on IR and you are financially holding your ding a ling as a result.
  9. Coaching football is MIT engineering for dumb people.......
  10. O line............I've been saying it for years.................on deaf ears.......... Look at how Mahomes played today and what happens to him with an O line that is struggling in KC. There are no answers in great passer or catchers.........or coaches from Baylor in the NFL. O line is the foundation of the NFL.......... I rest my case............
  11. The combination of a weak O-line..........Darnold's pass reads....... and Brady's play calling??? Easy..........Giants 24 Panthers 20
  12. I know what a lot will be eating after the game today...........
  13. Todays Verstappen will add to his championship lead over rival Hamilto............oh wait wrong event. There is a Panthers game today? I'll check it out during the ads on the F1 race.
  14. Same as the poster comment from last week on the Vikings playing the Panthers........as it will be this week. "here you win the game............no you win it.....here take the ball"
  15. Craig is the type of guy at a party who drops a load inside his pants and keeps asking the women "who farted?"
  16. Big picture..........do something else on Sundays if you think the Panthers will have a winning season.
  17. So is the Rhule and Darnold experiment too...........and the offensive line..............and the whole undersize defense..........
  18. Any post of an NFL team that begins with "on the bright side"...........or......... "at least we have" Means your team currently sucks..............
  19. Josh Allen couldn't play behind this line...............
  20. Just wonderful...........the weakest part of Panthers offense is a line that can't open any holes and no power running back. Well do they think they are going to do? Did you see the Titans running game against Bills recently.........what do the Panthers have that could make an attack like that??? Panthers are going from bad to Jets territory with this strategy...........LOL ' This coach is a joke.........he belongs in so so college programs.
  21. 1.) Offensive lineman aren't a priority in the draft for this team or any long term success strategy. 2.) Offensive lineman aren't a priority in the draft for this team or any long term success strategy. 3.) Offensive lineman aren't a priority in the draft for this team or any long term success strategy. 4.) Offensive lineman aren't a priority in the draft for this team or any long term success strategy. 5.) Offensive lineman aren't a priority in the draft for this team or any long term success strategy. A reasonable QB, running back and offensive coordinator would be successful and make a playoff team if they took care of the above 5 points......and until they do they will be exactly what they are now...........a bottom 1/3 NFL team that dries out the tongues of an undersized defense late in the game from too much time on the field because the offense can't control the time of possession in moving chains consistently.
  22. I don't...............I'll trade him salaries from the 80 plus hours I put in work every week and smile all the way to the bank.
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