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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. "Sam hasn't played well enough to win, we want to give PJ a shot to see if he turns the ball over more than Sam" is more like it...........and reason why it wasn't brought up......
  2. Stuck with an owner indefinitely and his head coach for a while............and a QB situation and O line that is a mess................ and an OC who sucks................ Do we need to continue?
  3. QB situation is so bad that the some in the media are suggesting a "vinney" moment by drafting Cam back in for a one game performance.............LOL
  4. This team couldn't beat the Lions right now.................. Panther easily have the worst head coach and OC in all the NFL............the worst O line and right now the worst QB situation of any team in the NFL right now. Panthers are so decisively bad they could tank........get the number #1 draft pick and end up taking a punter. Reality is now...............not past performance of fudging numbers. 31 - 10 Cardinals..............
  5. and in May 2022............"One bad season last year and everyone is ready to send him to the guillotine. How about let's see how the 2022 season goes before we pass judgement?." Wash rinse and repeat..............
  6. "Keep pondering" panther fans............"keep pondering"....... What a great franchise
  7. But don't worry...............they are building a practice field that will be the envy of all the NFL in Rock Hill.......perhaps they can sell PSL (or private standing licenses) to that place? Wonderful.......what a great franchise..........
  8. Don't forget.........in the future the Panthers are getting the best practice facility money can buy........... and the Pirates got the best baseball park money can buy...........how'd that work out for them?
  9. One clown complaining about another.......... Anderson complains about the bad passes from Darnold but drops most of the good ones......... Look in mirror son............and watch you don't slither your skinny ass down the drain taking a shower...... An utter cllown show...... ........but hey Verstappen lengthened his championship lead in F1 today over Hamilton........
  10. There were more more complete passes in the F1 race in Mexico today than Sam had in the game.......... I said at the beginning of the year...........this team will not win more than 6 games this year..........CMC will never play in another meaningful game for the Panthers (meaning one that could mean the difference of making the playoffs or not.........I was right about Newton a few years back calling that same prediction).........and that Rhule would last 3 years top ......and at best Darnold is no more than a game manager.... ........I still stand by those predictions/claims. BTW........I said the Panthers would lose by at least two touchdowns in this game..... Why??? because I am the Nostradamus of football. Huh...........what?...............the Bills lost to the Jags today? uhh.............I guess I'm not the Nostradamus of football..........
  11. This is a great time to have a trash QB line up................because we have a trash O line. Don't put the cart before the horse.................no use having an elite QB with no O line. Build an O line to protect your QB investment........we don't have to worry about protecting any right now so build the O line to be ready when you snag a QB worthy of investing in....... Oh no!!!........... that means another year or two of mediocre play? So what else is new? How would you like to have an elite type QB right now without an O line? You can have mediocre play and destroy your investment at the same time........no thanks........seems like we've seen that before.
  12. Panthers are a mediocre small market team Bingo..........enough said.
  13. Honest as can be???? "Hehe......I'm making a ton of money coaching in the NFL after a few lucky low brow college turnarounds!!!"
  14. Rodney Peat 2.0......... Next QB please...........
  15. Cam returns..................aniticipation runs high....... Final score Pats 45 Panthers 10 Newton throws 5 interceptions..............fumbles twice and leaves the game in the 3rd quarter with a foot sprain. Next idea please..........
  16. Didn't you see the post about apathy recently? What's one anemic looking win against an anemic team like the Falcons going to change that fact?
  17. Matt Rhule: We're going to have to come to grips with the fact that we're a defensive football team. Sounds real inspiring to the offense huh? As a head coach I'd never say anything like that in public............ and every football team should have to come to grips with the fact that you need an offense line first and foremost for any success.........
  18. season isn't boring in regards to other games and some teams out there...... but the Panthers? Meh...............
  19. 1) Transient town.......lots of people with loyalty to their born and bred town home teams....They'll want tickets only when their team is in town. 2) Demographic change.............more Hispanic born per capita than any other city in the US is right here. For them.......football using the feet to move the ball is what the prefer. 3) Young people don't care.................sports are like cars, houses and families to them...........they are losing interest within generations growing up now..........its cell phones, social media and gaming that rules. 4) Aging PSL owners...........win or lose there is no waiting list to buy them. I've worked in marketing in professional sports and have been watching all this since the late 50s ...........so add it all up kids...................and connect the dots..........the apathy for a professional level home sports team is already baked into this town and getting worse. Winning solves everything?...........well is used to........ but I'm afraid some don't even care about that.
  20. Hope sucks.........any time in my life hope was a factor it was over........
  21. Was hoping they wouldn't end up throwing good money after bad..............Watson will be toxic with his legal issues......
  22. hehe......... what a question............. Maybe the question should be how far out do you think this team will be from having a winning season?........or better yet ........two consecutive winning seasons?...... Right now Panthers are in the same boat as the Lions.........
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