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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Rhule to Tepper...... "If you ask me......the family truckster is a fine automobile........."
  2. A big mobile duel threat QB is a short career in the NFL............burn brighter and then burn out sooner. Cam is done and if Josh Allen doesn't learn to pick his places to run like Mahomes has done he will be another short career bright flame in the NFL. Maybe Big Ben was an anomaly in that dept. but he wasn't quite the running threat that others were even in his prime.
  3. I can score from the goal line said Cam I am.............I'm not green like Sam. Sam can score from the goal line said Sam I am but I'm not the same level of experience, size and speed as Cam. Sam I am is green eggs on the face and as a ham ..........thinking he's Cam I am. Dr. Seuss has a better script on this take than Rhule.
  4. No........it is what I saw his lips say on TV during the game...........did you read my post?
  5. Interesting thing I saw in the game yesterday..................let me set this up for you. In my freshman year in college I had a def roommate............during the year he had taught me how to read lips and I'm very good at it. So when I watch TV if I can't hear the volume or see a sporting event and a coach on the sidelines moving his mouth I can read what they are saying. Yesterday during the first drive the Panthers had......when they got to the 50 yard line area for another first down the sideline camera showed Matt Rhule walking the sidelines and talking into his headset to I imagine the OC..................what his said for me was clear as day to read off his lips..........he said, "Okay, so then what do we do now??" I couldn't believe it.........
  6. This final week of performance by NFL teams could very well demonstrate that the Panthers might be the worst team in the NFL but will end up drafting within the bottom third teams without the benefit of being the worst to get a higher draft pick. That kind of performance and its result in the draft assures one of a bottom third team performance indefinitely. This is no more of a "process" than it is mathematically possible to claim a 1,000% of anything. Whether verbally or mathematically this organization can no longer be taken seriously. Might I add at the beginning of the season I mentioned: 1) This team would win 5 games tops. 2) Darnold will suck and is not an option for the future 3) The Oline is this team's biggest problem. 4) Rhule is a nightmare of a coach. Once the season began and when the Panthers were 3-0 early on I was hammered for those observations back then.........
  7. Last night I was watching the NFL games on TV on ESPN and they had a news line on the screen that said........"Panthers to keep Rhule in 2022" Did anyone see that? I thought for sure that this place would be loaded with threads on this board this morning.......of gnashing of teeth..... But nothing I can find
  8. Don't know what's on mine but the Panthers are eating crow one last time this year.....
  9. I know nothing of Mick's personal life or what he is like other than he had a bout of cancer............... But as an announcer.........he is no better than a high school kid trying to announce their school football games.... He among one of the worst I've ever heard. Lousy voice............strange selection of adjectives to describe things.....poor inflections.........and an enthusiasm that sounds contrived rather that genuine
  10. BUT............................ We will have a state of the art practice facility!!!!!
  11. Teams like the Bills and Browns focused on building an oline before they started going after top QB picks.....it took them a few years of so so play in the backfield but once they got the line set then the QB position made sense to leverage talent then.
  12. We've had 365 24/7 sports media for decades now..........they must create controversy and stories whether right or wrong to fill the air waves and drive ratings hence revenue.........
  13. Its too bad this final game wasn't played in Charlotte............... For the home crowd and Tepper to watch the Rhule crew take a giant turd dump right here....in their own house............while chants of Fire Rhule from what few Panther fans are left was heard sometimes over Bucs fans celebrating another touchdown. Keep Processing...............Rhule..........get out that drum and Keep processing!!!
  14. It all depends on Tepper.................... Hence the disgruntled fans...........
  15. Absolutely there is.................without a doubt starting next year we will have the best state of the art practice facility in all the NFL. Tepper is making sure of that........ What else would expect from a guy who puts ketchup on a steak? That state of the art practice facility will be the professional sports version of putting lipstick on a pig.
  16. How long to you think Rhule would have lasted with the Raiders back when Al Davis was the owner?
  17. Based on quotes from this man.... I'm beginning to see traits that are attributed to someone who is either a narcissistic sociopath......or is suffering from Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Either personality issue can be very convincing to some for a while but sooner or later it becomes obvious to those individuals initially accepting of that personality trait that they've been manipulated. Rhule has done just enough and accomplished just enough to make himself appear to be a player in the area of head coaching...............but is well in over his head at this point. Again, I will point out and you must see........the role Sean Penn played in the movie the Falcon and the Snowman as he dealt with Soviet agents ..........the role he played in that movie in his discussion with the Russians in selling US satellite imagery secretes matches the quotes and press conferences that Rhule's personality has. Penn tried to make himself out as someone more capable that he was and tried to fast talk his way through it all convincingly at the beginning and then in an an arrogant panic in the end.
  18. We have seen the opponent and the opponent is us...............
  19. So they thought Rhule was old school in one aspect about running the ball and stopping the run....... Where's their power running game and dominate O line to do that? Where's their ability to stop a power running game? What Rhule has is nothing like what he claimed according to the transcripts of this conversation....... What a mess...................
  20. Growing up in Pgh, PA I can't think of the word "center" in football without ever thinking of this man...............Iron Mike Webster...... I used to sit beside him in the pew at church services and talk weight lifting after the service was over. He was a class act and I hope the tragedy of his eventual fate will have made a difference to all players of the game in the future.
  21. I'll wager Sam won't take all the snaps under center...............in fact starting for Rhule as a QB means nothing once he starts his musical chairs under center.
  22. Madden came from humble beginnings but near the end of his life had a self realization that all of us should experience. The recent Madden documentary that came out on Christmas day entitled "All Madden" talked about his life but using people he inspired and influence throughout his life to tell his story..........at the end of that documentary they showed John and his closing remark within the documentary after hearing all those comments about him by people he impacted in his life was simply along the lines of..... "I never realized.....what I now realize" He wasn't aware how important he was to so many other people's lives....... It was his George Baily's "Its a Wonderful life" moment............ and one he got to experience like George did in the movie before dying............. Might we all be so fortunate to have had the opportunity that John Madden did at the end of the documentary to realize.......it is a wonderful life........... John passed knowing that his life made a difference....................I hope we all have a chance to realize that in our lifetimes. You played the game of life well John and passed what you had learned along the way to countless others..............RIP
  23. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once and a while............
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