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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Rhule getting fired???? Haven't you heard?.......... ........his firing is uhh..... .....well its a ......... A Process!!!! Yeah that's the ticket................its a process. and remember what you've been told............you must trust the process.
  2. "........and steps in a puddle wearing socks this morning on his way out the door." That's hilarious ..............and its G rated too.............a tough combination these days.
  3. I will watch each week and get my laughs and catch up on sleep like I do now.............
  4. The length of tenure of most pro football players is so short these days that any bright spot in a season of the mundane will often fade or be gone before any change in direction occurs...... Barry Sanders anyone? As a result there is no bright spot justified on a roster when the team sucks.............. So to answer your question........any bright spot you see has an eclipse on it.
  5. Is there such a thing as fun while losing......or does the fun while you still loose just make the whole thing more pathetic? Or is there such a thing as boring winners?........is winning ever not fun for fans of sports? I guess in your defense Cub fans for many decades always enjoyed their "lovable loosers" and battle cry of "wait until next year!"........but that's based on the fact they will be winners then.......... That stated, I don't know if the NFL has the same level of tolerance that MLB has seen having a team of lovable loosers.....................maybe Browns fans pre move to Baltimore felt that way?
  6. "stats are for losers" = Carolina Panthers. Arguing over these two QBs is like arguing over which diaper has leaked the least amount of crap on the floor.......
  7. I'll reverse my assessment of the defense until they play a good offensive team...........the 1st four games so far Panthers have played either horrible offensives or offensives that played horribly...... The way you can tell is the snooze fest all 4 games have been.............the most boring games I've seen so far.........
  8. They used a big QB as a battering ram in short yardage plays and shorten his career.........they have a midget for a RB that would be much better in the role of short passes and open field end arounds end up running between tackles and up the middle like a fullback........... Stupid........... CMC is not Mike Alstott but they try to play him like that more times that anyone else would dare do with this kid on their team..........ugh
  9. If football in its current form was inventory today it wouldn't allowed to be played............
  10. I agree..........a win is win no matter what. That stated.........lets see come week 17 how many of them the Panthers have.
  11. any comment that uses..........."at least we are not"...... ...or "look on the bright side"....... ......or "It could be a lot worse" Have lost their prospective on what the intent should be...........
  12. Panthers just played three teams so far that have shown horrible offensive execution in the games they played against Carolina....... If Carolina is "close" at all ......then they are close to mediocre and that's it. The kind of game they played against the Saint to win this past weekend would get them blasted out of the stadium at half time against a team that have a good offense.
  13. Barry wasn't a QB obviously............his inspiration was not in a leadership role............... Perhaps look at the other great QBs in NFL history and tell me how many are remembered for their celebrations on first downs or TDs...........................
  14. Child's play..................Barry Sanders never acted like a child on a football field. Leaders inspire they don't act like kids...............to hell with that crap.
  15. Train wrecks are hard to turn away from and they don't occur that often. But this one happens on a regular basis most Sunday afternoons for a while so I'll tune in to watch for that reason alone..............and I do gets some good laughs out of it too.
  16. When will this team realize the foundation of control of the ball, time of possession and scoring is in the hands of the offensive line......... Methodically move the chains down the field and you will win.....
  17. I wish there were more turnovers......starting with Tepper and Rhule.....
  18. Charlotte has 10 times the amount of banking deposits that Atlanta has...............and within a 100 mile radius of downtown Charlotte there are more people living here than within the same 100 mile radius comparison in Atlanta...... Let that sink in for a minute..........
  19. In reading all these posts I see one common theme with all the other low points in Panther history..........and that is a reason to hope for things to get better.......... Right now I see that hope for things to get better in either the short term or long term for this franchise at the lowest its ever been........... and the fact that hope is so fleeting right now is perhaps a reason why this current situation might be the lowest not statistically but from a standpoint of the possibility in the hope for change.
  20. Amway and Equinox seem to come to mind when I watch that speech.........
  21. For me personally will always be the look of Jake Delhomme sitting on the bench alone just after the Panthers lost the SB watching the Patriots celebrate.......perhaps wondering he may never come this close ever again and what could have been. That whole year was a what if...and if that could........ and it did happen......all the way until then.... I still think of a few minutes before that image Jake alone on the bench of being the Panthers greatest moments taking the reigns and putting it on the NE in the 4th quarter to take the lead.... .......and his sitting there alone in contrast as the lowest...... I just can't image Buffalo fans having that feeling 4 consecutive years in a row...... I guess there are many low moments especially now but here is nothing like having a goal in a lifetime of effort slip out of your grasp when you could smell it right there on the sidelines............... When the Panthers returned to the SB against the Broncos I didn't get the same impact of the low in that loss.......the team came in blasting through the playoffs but it became obvious as the SB game went on there would be no late game heroics......almost as if you had the whole game to prepare for the loss without having victory in your grasp with a few mins to go......... I grew up in my 20s watching the Steelers win 4 Super Bowls in 6 years during the 70s, I guess as a fan I had many lifetimes of celebration in one decade alone and have learned to appreciate that as I near my 70s in age......... I will say here in Panther land it seems you are getting a taste of the Jets, Lions and Browns fans have had for a long time..... We had it in Pgh........for 30 years the Steelers were the joke of the NFL until a Penn State running back caught a deflected pass in their first ever playoff game in Dec 1972 that seemed to change everything in the years to come...... You still have time here in the Carolinas to witness such things........but many things will have to change for that to happen and I would hope it could in time for some of you to experience that.
  22. Not interested in boycotting them if it comes to turning off my TV during games.........on Sunday afternoons they help me catch up on sleep when the game is on.
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