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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Hell people are actually calling for Cam to come back..............hey how about getting Rivera back!!!!! He's got NFL experience!!!...... LOL!!!!!
  2. LOL...Cam???.........LOL!!..........desperate people say illogical things.....................Cam??? He has played his last meaningful NFL game 3 years ago..........and has been has been since. This season is over.............
  3. A Blind man could see this season unfolding the way it is.........from the beginning in preseason I have stated: 1) Team has never prioritized developing a good O line and it is the weak link of the offense. 2) Darnold is a game manager at best......... 3) Defense is quick, light and gets punched in the mouth easy by a power offense. 4) Coaching stuff doesn't realize this isn't college.,,,,,NFL teams figure out what you are doing faster than you can adjust....... 5) This team would win 6 games this year. I stay with these statements..........
  4. Do I really own the Panthers...............or do the Panthers own me??? This sucks........
  5. and the Falcons say............"hold my beer.......... and pull up that film again of the SB we were in with New England."
  6. Hamstrings are a problem........and their tendons especially.........they are stubborn injuries slow to heal and can flare up in an instant if they get too tight and tweek again from jooking too much on the field........not to mention someone rolling up on it in a pile........ Football is such a rough game its hard to imagine anyone playing it at this level............
  7. If ever you had something you needed to do on Sunday afternoon this is the weekend to do that........a great game to miss if you need to..........
  8. but hey he turned Baylor's program around.................right?
  9. kid belongs in college with that body.......first real hit by a linebacker on him and he's finished.
  10. If CMC plays Panthers have lead by 7 but CMC ends up going out of the game on the 3rd quarter with another nagging injury hardly noticeable on the camera but diagnosed on the sideline. At that point Panthers lose by a FG. If CMC doesn't play expect another Philly like performance but this time Panthers trail and never get the lead and lose by 10. Folks this is a bad team................O line ...........O line................no foundation...... no success.......
  11. Where's that young blond lap dance/grinding bar girl when you need her?
  12. But Chubba is a no John Stewart...........he's a Deanglo Williams.......fast when he gets holes but goes done the first time someone coughs on him. Backs like that are only as good as their O line.............and well I don't want to start down that rabbit hole.
  13. Before the season I predicted - 6 wins............... - Said the O line is the weak link of this team they never address to the level of priority it needed in the off season. - Claimed that CMC won't last the season because of injury........ - Expected Darnold to be Steve Buerelein 2.0 and all this coming from a poster than can't even add up scores right!!!!............LOL..... remember? Amazing..........even a at risk math dummy can see the problems here.......... Because so far I'm right on schedule..............so how's that overreacting?
  14. Come back at the end of the year on the rush stat and tell what it is then............ Darnold will be leading the league in interceptions if it keeps his notch above game manager performance ........ Sam is a game manager at best........Teddy B is another Rodney Peat..........can't manage anything. Deep passes?...............yeah ask this O line how good they are a pass blocking.
  15. 1) This franchise doesn't show high draft priority with O linemen. As a result, they have a bottom 1/3 of the league O line play. 2) Defense is fast by undersize......they do well with scheming for speed and pressure until the other teams figure that out (like Dallas did at the half).........and this D gets punched in the face when there is a power running game opposing them. 3) CMC is undersize.........isn't NFL material when it comes to his body type surviving hits in the trenches.......but we keep sending him in there and as a result he will have a career like Cam........unfulfilled possibilities due to an injury shorten career. Finally........Darnold is at best a game manager........he's Steve Beuerlein 2.0 Other than the above.....they are a hell of franchise.
  16. Sports franchises like those teams in the NFL have a problem.................."if winning solves everything" then you have a problem.............how many teams are really winning to the point of making and going deep into the playoffs? What are the rest of the teams to do year in and year out then? Well long term well established teams like the Washington, Giants, Eagles, Browns and Bengals have no problem in attendance and dominating the cheering in their home stadiums without always winning........ Its simple..............this is a transplant area and the majority moving here are young and can't afford or don't have the interest level in the game that people do who can afford a PSL............. I doubt this city will ever have a loyal fan base.........as a result of the geographic demographic changes that continue to go on here................ Soccer might be the future as the rate things are going.............
  17. This football team and who they draft just dazzles me.............its been obvious this team has needed a top O-line for years........but nope they have to use top drafts for all the showy positions... The O-line is the foundation without it the house comes down..................defense don't win champions.........O-lines move chains and keeps the other teams offense off the field and wears out their defense.......that is what wins games. I predicted 6 wins for this team before the start of the season because of a lack of an O-line...........and will remain with that prediction. Coaching, defensive schemes...........Q back who shows some scambling.................its all built above the foundation and not without it....... If this was a house instead of a football team it would be sinking in ground from a cracks in a faulty foundation. Enjoy the rest of your year in the bottom third of the league......
  18. Any assessment of Darnold on this team must consider the O line play...........
  19. I saw nothing this weekend that I didn't expect to happen.........I have no illusions about the Panthers.......they are a mid pack team with some clever coaching. There defense is undersized but fast and with a lot of schemes from coaching but appear to be weak against a good running team............Dallas made adjustments on defense that exposed Carolina and Darnold in the 2nd half. Darnold is who I expected he is.........a reasonable game manager but not a game changer QB.........that's fine as there are only a handful of them around anyway. and to go back on my old band wagon of an O line is the foundation of all wins.............we you saw the lack of that in how the Panthers offense was most of the 2nd half...... 3-0 and its playoff bound.................3-1 and the sky is falling........fans are like investors....they over react in both directions. Nothing unusual about there here either.
  20. Not a music genre thing here......I don't like country music any more than people "talking" calling it music today.......... .........but have you ever seen the "up with people" half time shows from the first super bowls??...............LOL....its worse than any kids PBS special you could imagine......go search it on youtube and keep a barf bag ready........
  21. The story behind "America's team"................ After the Steeler;s won their 1st SB in 1974, ABC Sports producer Roone Arledge noticed that where ever they broadcasted MNF the following season they saw Steeler fans all over the country.........as a result Arledge arranged for a visit to the office of Steeler owner Art Rooney before the next season of MNF aired and asked Steeler owner Art Rooney if they could call the Pittsburgh Steelers team "American's Team"..... .......to which Rooney responded............ "I'd really appreciate it if you don't..........you see the Steeler belong to the people of Pittsburgh and their hard working like and would prefer you not call us that" At that point Arledge said......"Okay then.... do you mind if we use our second choice Dallas and call them that?" To which Rooney said, "Well that's fine by me but I would suspect you first ask Dallas if it is okay with them first" And that is how the Cowboys obtained that name..............
  22. hehe........an inner city version of "up with people" the worse half time show ever............lol
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