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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. I loved watching the game.............the worse the Panthers play and mess up with this outfit the more I laugh and enjoy it. Look if your team is really good its fun to watch them..........if you team is middle of the road its "meh" But if you team stinks then it becomes fun to watch them............especially if they end up causing problems for a good team. Last night I couldn't stop laughing when they said Arizona at 10-2 had one of their losses to the Panthers 34-10.................even though I watched that game I couldn't stop laughing at that one..... Hell even without Murray they should have never loss to this outfit..........they could have won with no QB and direct snaps all game long to a RB...... Losing to the Panthers only tells me you are a pretender. Losing to the Panthers.............LOL!!!
  2. Have you ever seen a train wreck for real? ........picking up the pieces to putting this deal all back together with Rhule would be like trying to put together a life size puzzle of the Sistine Chapel blindfolded after Andre the Giant farted all the pieces out of his ass. You might have a better chance putting the train back together.
  3. Rhule: " We're looking to get Sam back before the end of the season and be able to run a triple threat option behind center in our games........hey it works for the Navy Academy!" (background voice in room.......coach that's a triple threat option in handing off the ball not different QBs under center) Rhule: "ohhh.......(coughs).......next question??
  4. Its time to call for "Deep Blue".............(is he still alive?)
  5. What gives you the idea that the Panthers are capable of having "another way" of finishing the season other than losing against the remaining opponents? At this point Tampa could rest all their starters and the Panthers could still lose.........
  6. If they don't have a STD of some sort they will if they somehow end up with Watson at QB
  7. Mad.........?? Hell....I can't wait to watch what the Panthers will mess up each week.......its a great laugh.........why I get more laughs watching Panthers screw up than watching that broken record clown Joel Osteen pretending everything is going to be all right with coach God every Sunday for 30 mins... but the Panthers give me 3 full hours of comedy entertain..........
  8. with injuries, free agency and everything else that goes on in the NFL..........how can you rebuild if it takes longer than 2 to 3 years? Seems like once you get one thing solved another hole in the dike opens up............ Rhule looks like the lil Dutch boy OD'ing on amphetamines while pacing the sidelines these days......
  9. Why should they? QB?......that's a cart before the horse......get an offensive line first.
  10. At this point the Falcons are the 80s Jerry Springer show..........and the Panthers are Rev'd Al Sharpton in his purple jump suit ready to start havoc and mess everything up.
  11. Your nose reference just wrecked this thread........ugh
  12. He's got one letter wrong.................he means the CFL.
  13. never liked Rhule so I've enjoyed watching his show fall apart on him............the worse it gets the sooner he's gone........so yes I watch with great interests that those scum birds crush the panther and laugh my ass off as a result. Last time I had an attitude like this was when Pickles was the QB since I couldn't wait for him to get the boot as well..........
  14. Falcons should win by 10..........what's the big deal. I'm no fan of the birds nor their owner but I call it like I see it........Panthers just flat out suck at this point.
  15. Arm length doesn't matter? Tell that to LC Greewood...........and if you don't know who he is you better look him up.
  16. Start Cam for the last few games .........and he ends up getting injured before the season is over. Start PJ for the last few games........and he ends up getting injured before the season is over. Start Sam for the last few games.....and he ends up getting injured again before the seaon is over. Cart before the horse here folks............cart before the horse. Here's an idea.................forfeit the remaining games.
  17. Rhule is too much a rah rah "atta boy" type despite the obvious poo status of the situation.... ....he's the type that would be looking for silverware on the ground after the Hindenburg disaster and say....."hey look what I found!!"
  18. In other news.................former Panther's OC Joe Brady inks a one game deal signing with the Falcons during week 14 of the NFL regular season schedule. It is rumored he will be functioning in the role of "Special OC consultant" to the Falcons Defensive coaching staff when they face the Panthers. Both the Bills and the Bucs have shown similar interest in Joe Brady performing in that one game capacity with their Defensive coaching staff during weeks 15 and 16 respectively. When finding out the recent news Rhule was over heard by an undisclosed source in the Panthers front office scampering around to various front office personnel asking......."He signed a non compete didn't he?............tell me we don't have some non complete document he signed....it just can't be!!!......its got to be around here somewhere!" Tepper was unavailable for comment.....word is he's busy in Rock Hill overseeing the Panthers multimillion dollar practice facility installation of tampon dispensers for Offensive linemen's section of the locker room.
  19. " Fresh clean sparkling water............" - Adam Sadler.
  20. Like Hillary trying to talk Black jive in an attempt for street cred with Black voters........"oh and I keep a bottle of hot sauce right here in my purse"....(yeah right) These coaches are as phony as she is............
  21. The organization became enamored with glitter of skilled positions on both sides of the ball and forgot about building a foundation for the house with an offensive line.......
  22. Born in 54' In Pgh, Pa and seeing the Steelers win 4 SBs in 6 years we knew what we were seeing and didn't take it for granted............but that is rarified air for most sports fans to experience. I really haven't been much of a fan of either the Steelers or any other NFL team after Art Rooney Sr. died.....Coach Knoll retired (and has since passed) and all those great players have left the game and some like my hero Mike Webster suffered so much in later years. I do hope some of you will get to experience such greatness sometime in your lives with the teams you root for........ I've had a lifetime of it already and am content to just watch others for now......... My significant other was a Chicago Cubs fan her whole life and so was her family.............for almost 3 generations they had nothing to celebrate until the World Series win at the turn of the century. Sports should be a release from the routine of life in a way that enrichens our experience as humans..........however, it shouldn't become such a way of life that it complicates rather than alleviates the frustrations we all have from time to time in our lives. Embrace greatness..........its rare and comes sometimes once in a generation if you are fortunate...... I keep seeing that image of Jack Delhomme sitting on the bench at the end of the SB just after the Panthers lost...looking over at the Patriots celebrating knowing how close he came but will have to leave the field, head to the locker room and wonder what could have been and may never be again................
  23. Unfortunately, I don’t think that is Rhule’s strength By the looks of things, I'd say Rhule's strength involves something to do with "Little Debbie" grocery shelf products.
  24. I've looked over all the bottom fish in the NFL and while the Panthers may not be the worst team in the NFL they probably have the worst outlook of any team over the next 5 years.... ....from ownership to coaching to front office/scouting and player personnel they seem to have insurmountable problems in the near term to 5 years out at least.....
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