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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Its not his clothes that makes him look like a slob.................
  2. Expecting different results by doing the same thing over and over? Such a fine approach to success........
  3. Your such an anthropological/sociological expert..........how wonderful. The only thing lamer than this website are the Panthers...... Personally I wish I could get banned from here............wouldn't miss a thing.
  4. When you mention Indians................one must make a distinction of whether we are talking about native Americans or people from the Asian continent. The simple label of a feather for the prior and dot for the latter makes the description easier........ You can untwist your panties now...........
  5. Human progress is about individual excellence and not inclusion................. Equality of opportunity?..........you bet I'm all for that..... ................but results must stand on the integrity and excellence of the individual not on the social mantle of inclusion. AA hires to meet a quota without regard to individual excellence is nothing more than a recipe for failure within that organization. There is a reason why 70% of NFL players are Black............that's a huge over representation of their population in society at 14%...........so should we change the qualifications of the hiring of players to develop inclusion for say............Asians?....Hispanics?.........or what about (dot) Indians as offensive linemen? Everyone is different.........talents are different........find where they belong in society don't force inclusion for the sake of inclusion. Never forget this......... The greatest minority of all is the minority of one..........the individual....................
  6. Tepper = State of the Art practice facility!!! Mission accomplished...... ...now celebrate Panther fans!!
  7. too many sacks on that kid...their o-line on the Bengals is going to shorten his career........wouldn't surprise me that KC destroys him in the game.... I'm for the Bengals but reality is reality..................
  8. NFL Coaching is a way for ugly people to obtain wealth and fame. Just like DC politics is Hollywood for ugly people.....same thing.
  9. Panthers have the most apathic fan base I've ever seen.......everyone from somewhere else.............corporate PSLs.........you name it. People in the Carolinas don't seem to have their identity fused at the hip with an NFL team.............
  10. He can hide in his brand new start of the art practice facility............
  11. You can put sugar on a turd sandwich but its still a turd sandwich...... There is no silver lining with Rhule in charge.......
  12. hmmm............a hedge fund manager like Tepper is a person who has to speculate and go against the crowd/market forces when they think they are right to ride the wave before anyone and then jump off before it collapses........ Imagine if Tepper carries that attitude with this franchise............ It cold be a long dark Rhule era.............
  13. Doesn't change the fact of the later half of my observation...............there is no more 2015 Cam
  14. Local sports talk shows in this town are as bad and incompetent as the Panther organization...... Its one losing group talking to another.................waste of time.
  15. In more recent times Cam had a losing record with New England was cut and sat at home with no phone ringing until this dumpster fire organization called him back............ Last I check that NE team after Cam is gone is now in the playoffs............seemed like Cam didn't help them get there before............why could he do the same here with a team far worse than NE? Look.........Willie Mays was one of the greatest all around baseball players ever but near the end of his career when he played for the Mets it was embarrassing........the fact remains that time waits for no one........and all glory is fleeting. Just like Jake before him............Cam's glory with the Panthers is in the past now. Pro Football is a hard task master and the more physical a QB is the shorter the career no matter how bright that running flame was in the past. Watch Josh Allen QB of the Bills.......if he continues to take the running risks he does he will have great moments but a shorter time playing like that........
  16. Wouldn't it have been more practical and easier to only list those coaches with worse records?
  17. RA is so thin he could be throw under the bus and the riders wouldn't even notice it............
  18. I don't think so.................but then again nobody plans on having nightmares when they go to sleep either.
  19. The nightmare.............. Panthers manage an 8-8 season and Rhule says the process is beginning to work and Tepper believes him. As a result year 4 happens with the bumbling bum from Baylor........
  20. It not wise to have a special plays QB and mess with the salary cap anymore than needed..... ....besides Cam is not the aggressive big runner he used to be......nor a good artful dodge behind the line in scrambling like he used to..... He's one step behind his prime and in the NFL that's one step too many. Age has a way of taking the invincible feeling and skill set away from a superman.
  21. Sure do and here they are...................
  22. This is great!..............we need a QB who is will handle 2nd down and short on our second offensive drive of every game in 2022 and he fits the spot perfect..... ......now if we could just get a different QB under center for each separate down on the first two series on offensive in each game in 2022 we'd be in tall cotton at the end of the year.................O line won't even be needed to be beefed up at all. Rhule is brilliant........he is going to change the NFL.........just watch, wait and see.
  23. Sam Darnold says in the off season he's going to be working on the following things: 1) Studying a forklift operators manual 2) Memorizing all items on the supersize menu 3) Learning to change out football cleats for 22 pair of shoes in less than 20 mins 4) Building his down stream distributorship at Amway.
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