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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. the only thing worse than Rhules intro press conference was that contrived intro by the worm of all worm announcers.........Mix Mixed up.
  2. He's a billionaire..............people in that league too often see everyone else as expendable and not worthy of their time and attention. What I saw yesterday as narcissism on display........
  3. He's a bandaid on a severed artery until Tepper figures out how he can pick his financial nose again without the snot getting all over his shirt. What you are going to see for the rest of the season is will be this clown show on steroids.
  4. My takeaway is the guy better start losing some weight..............man is it me or does he look like he's really apple shaped out his middle since the signing days of Rhule?
  5. Let's revisit that stat after PJ has 3 more games under his belt.
  6. Making Rhule an NFL HC is about as sensible as putting ketchup on steak.......... Now who in the hell would bother doing that????
  7. Christmas is coming.........change it to "Antlers Rhule" for the time being.......
  8. Do you realize the #1 city for transplants to Charlotte is surprise.......San Francisco......due to the banking industry. After that then it is update NY in the Syracuse area followed by Pittsburgh and Eastern Ohio..........all are rust belt areas of course.......with a younger demographic moving to this part of the country. It is difficult to establish an expansion team fan base to begin with...............especially one in which the town is known for transplants like Charlotte............ Sure they got lots of bandwagon fans as a novelty during their 2nd year playoff run......and when they had their two SB runs...........but you see what's left in the core fan base during losing seasons like now. Charlotte....is often referred to as the town people move to for finding jobs but go somewhere else on the weekends for fun.
  9. If Tepper fires Matt Rhule he'll be searching for a new HC in a manner like every college freshman looking for a date after stepping on campus their first time............ ......by combing the high schools........
  10. When Rhule was asked about this latest comment on his shaky tenure status with the Panthers he stated, "Its a process....... but we're close"
  11. The team that has created the monster here is the Panthers............and its sucking the life out of all its fan base.
  12. There is huge truth here.............I worked in 10 years in motorsports marketing and a blind person could see that coming but Nascar was too busy riding the corporate wave to profits to consider the consequence of the long term impact it had on its core fans who were abandoned and ignored while they expanded to corporate ticket "event experience" customers who had little interest in repeating that behavior once they attended an event or two. They ought to ask the NBA and NHL how did their European leagues work out? The NFL has grown over the years and now has reached a maturity in the US marketplace and is experiencing the Ray Kroc (McDonald's founder) business curse.... "When you are green you are growing...when you are ripe you are rotting"
  13. Successful hedge fund managers accomplish their moves with positions that are contrary to market sentiment.......after they analysis a situation they turn their back on the crowd to "hedge" a position that is unpopular to those holding the current investment logic of a situation. Think about the housing market and the hedge on it to fail in the movie "the big short". That's how Tepper made his fortune...........being right when everyone else is wrong. A life long friend of mine was a hedge fund manager and made a fortune for his clients and himself doing this exact same thing. Now think of what is going on right now with the Panthers and their HC.............and let that sink in.
  14. So the NFL goes and hires an "independent source" to determine concussion protocols.......... How would this sounded years ago......... The tobacco industry hires an "independent source" to determine a link of smoking to lung cancer. The NFL knows the score..... Look a concussion diagnosis is still not an exact science..............since it is trauma to the brain you must assume or error to the side of caution when it comes to such injuries............do you think the NFL's "independent source" is doing that? Besides this "concussion" protocol is just window dressing they are only responding to from the pressures of those within the medical industry............ The real problem here is the repeated head trauma from almost every play some positions expose players to..............while the skill set positions are the most obvious hits where attention is drawn to the lineman are repeated exposed to sub concussion head trauma almost every play. This is an area of grave concern in the medical studies that much like smoking, playing football in contact positions exposes the heads to 100s if not 1,000 of sub-concussion trauma over a season which has a cumulative effect over time equal multiple traumatic concessions. But the NFL is too busy trying to become a world sport like Nestles is trying to buy up all the water rights in the world.
  15. Panthers D will hold the 49er's to 21 points but the cats still loose by 4 TDs.
  16. The strange.....frustrating and disappointments of other teams in the 2022 NFL season in no way elevates the odds for this dumpster fire of an organization to making the playoffs. The Panthers are so bad that the 49ers could forfeit the game this weekend and the panthers would still end up losing it. So I don't think a Matt Ryan tipped pass into the turf 5 yards out of bounds or a Russell Wilson inerrant throw into the 8th row of the end zone seats will make a difference to what happens to the Panthers. I suggest you spending time thinking of other things.........
  17. They'll be no celebration at Morris Jenkins......... .......and criminals robbing everything at locations with security systems set up by CPI........ and Sir Purr will be sniffing black market catnip in some deserted alley on the East End....... Losing......the official sponsor of the 2022 Carolina Panthers.
  18. Rhule said. “I think we need to make more plays on offense. " Hell..........why doesn't he just say we need to score more points than the other team to win?
  19. Why don't the Panthers just forfeit the rest of the games.........do it one week at a time........hehe. Per the NFL rule book.... Note: If a team forfeits a game, the opponent will be declared the winner by a score of 2-0, but the points will not be added to the winning team’s record for purposes of offensive production or tie-breakers.
  20. I hope it helps some here reminisce of better times but it doesn't work for me. Growing up in my 20s during the 1970s I saw the team we loved win 4 super bowls in 6 years and those memories are enough for a lifetime. It was made more special because of personal connections we had with the team and ownership.......my brother was friends with Art Rooney Jr growing up..............Mike Webster belonged to our church and I often sat with him in the pews and talked weight lifting after services.............I used to work out in a gym where LC Greenwood and others lifted...............and I used to serve food and talk sports at the country club pool I worked at with Andy Russell after he retired and worked in banking... I wish others here a chance at some of that glory the Steelers of the 70s had with your team someday............but unfortunately for me spoiled from the 70s .......any memories of the Panthers are at best "what could have been" Leaving Pgh and coming here when I was 43 yrs old in 1998 and following the Panthers was kind of like adapting a red headed step child after the 70s........but then I could have said that for just about any team back then after what I experienced.
  21. The 2022 Carolina Panthers..........................Berlin Panthers or bust!!!
  22. He could be like Mahomes sometimes and look the other way when he throws ........or use his other hand. I'm sure the result would be a marvel to behold too.........
  23. Tepper is over at the NC shoreline walking the beach one day last week all by himself...........he comes upon this lamp buried in the sand........bends over picks it up and starts to clean it off when .......poof!......out comes a Genie. The Genie says, "I'm the Genie of the lamp and I have one wish left for anyone who want it" Tepper says, "I have a wish (while he pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket)..........see this paper...its a map of the Middle East .....my people and the Arabs have been fighting over land and property there for over 3,000 years............its caused great turmoil and tragedy for us and the whole world in general.......can you bring peace and prosperity to that region of the world instead of this continued fighting, tension and strife?" The Genie looks at the map and says, "Hmm that's a really tall order".........(then hands the paper back to Tepper) and says......"Isn't there any wish you want besides that one?" Tepper says........"Yeah......I own this football team and I just can't seem to get a winning season and make the playoffs with them.........My wish is you give us a winning season and make the playoffs this year" The Genie looks back and Tepper and says, " Hmm......well uh............Say, could I see that paper with the map on it again?"
  24. .......to be on your own. ........with no direction home......... A complete unknown.... Like a rolling stone.
  25. Trying to find patterns where none exist..............infants are hardwired to find patterns that form their mothers face and recognize that as a source of food and safety. Trying to find patterns is good for infants.......... Its bad for gambling...........investing and sports forecasting. as the disclosure always says in the investment portfolio. "Past performance is not indicative of future results" Let's put it another way......you've heard the saying........ "You can't win them all"...................and added for sales people the saying........"and you can't lose them all either" But you can in fact lose them all if you don't know what the hell you are doing. and just for those who crave pattern seeking in statistics....... Since 1990 23 teams starting 1-3 have made the playoffs............that translates to an annual average of a 4% chance of making the playoffs in any given year in the NFL with a 1-3 record. Enough of this subject............the 2022 Panther season is entertaining as hell from a comedic standpoint but bores me to tears when taken seriously.
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