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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. What is really bizarre here is that if the Panther win it could set the pace to actually win this division.........and if they lose it could have just the opposite effect. This game as crazy as it sounds is as close to a playoff game that could ever be seeing it is occurring in the middle of the season.............that's just strange to think of it that way but it could determine is where the road heads in this division. A playoff implication game by two losing teams in week 8..................strange
  2. They need to get a natural grass field and hire me to maintain it...............here's the lawn I created from seed back when I had a house..............
  3. Panthers will figure out a way to win 5 to 7 games this year............miss any playoffs of course and as a result of finishing in the bottom half of the middle of the league thus missing out on the tanking draft picks. .......and as a result, risk repeating that possible fate again and again.
  4. Any linebacker in the league can grab his jersey with one hand ......and pull his fanny straight down into the turf for a sack.............I've never seen such a wuss at that position on the field.
  5. The challenge is the amount of natural soil/dirt that is under the grass to act as a cushion..............in nature there is an average of 30 inches of soil below the surface with 8 to 10 inches being top soil. On a grass football field inside stadiums these days there is 16 inches total with 6 inches being top soil. It offers far more cushion than any artificial surface but fall well short of the cushion that grass grows naturally on.
  6. Very popular in the Buffalo NY area...........here's an asphalt modified racer out of that area sponsored by them.
  7. I've never had any sympathy for people who can run and jump better than I can and as a result make more money in a year that many of us added together will ever make in a lifetime..........
  8. Ahh pro wrestling.................the male soap opera viewing for this group.......
  9. That was a very well written and insightful article by Fowler.......... I get this out of it.......... Tepper's hedge funding risk mentally was in full bloom hiring Rhule as an untested NFL coach from the college ranks........... Rhule......seemed to trust his college coaching gut and didn't listen to more seasoned NFL personnel within the organization when it came to the hunt and negotiating QB deals. Finally, Tepper is a bit too much Jerry Jones like for me as an NFL owner through this QB saga and one must wonder what the long term implications of that might be for this franchise.
  10. Matt Ryan reminds me exactly of this guy on the left from Animal House........."Don't you have any respect for yourself! " - telling that to Bluto (aka John Belushi)........LOL (BTW yes that is a very young Kevin Bacon in the middle in his first movie role)
  11. and if the Panthers lose to Atlanta by a couple scores and don't have any offensive touchdowns and/or a couple of pick sixes is it back to the the Panthers suck again and let's tank? I hope you don't invest in stocks.............
  12. Based on how the NFL and refs treat him.......Brady is as close to a flag football player on the field there is..... Time to go do something else in life before you brain turns to mush..........
  13. Pro Bowler's?.........I highly doubt that......................oh wait!! you mean.......
  14. There is a distinct possibility that for the first time in NFL history the majority of the fan base at the game will be wearing the jersey colors of a team that isn't even playing on the field. I would not be surprised to see more red/white/blue old Brady Patriot jerseys than any others of the seats that managed to find patrons in the today. Panthers need to do what NASCAR does with empty seats........other than tearing them out or covering them up they need to color them all different so from a distance they look like they are filled with people.........and put those face cards in the seats for the close seats around the end zones like was done with covid.
  15. You see a lot of them at every away game as they play making it easy to ID their fan base in the stands on TV and for the Steeler players in endzone celebrations.............. The whole towel things was started by the former Sports Illustrated writer and Steeler color announcer the late Myron Cope as a promo device that later was used to drive funding for a charity of his........however before the towel he used to say to the women in the crowd to take off their babushka and wave them........a babushka is Russian/Polish for a head scarf. Since Pgh, Pa has many Poles and Eastern Europeans there working as miners and steelworkers many years ago (there is a place called Polish Hill) he played up that deal.........which was actually borrowed from Pirate baseball games and announcer Bob Prince who first called waving those at baseball games prior to Myron picking up on that........so many women did that at games that the move to a towel similar in size for everyone to use caught on fast..........the point of this background being when Cope made the move to towels it became so popular and noticeable that everyone else adapted it throughout many sports venues to this day. In retrospect, I wish babushka was Russian/Polish for a bra................
  16. The Steelers fans have always travel well ever since their 4 SB wins in 6 years of the 70s. Have one of the largest national fan bases in all the NFL as a result. and Western Pa is one of the major relocations areas of the country to relocate in Charlotte. Which all adds up to ....A Steeler home game in Dec in the Carolinas........
  17. I wonder what is going through the mindset of a competent player on the Panthers who may see themselves as being part of the longer term rebuilding process of what they must be thinking for the balance of this season? I guess they need to perform in a deal for the fact they are paid to do as such but will they try to avoid getting in situations where they could be exposed to injury with no reason for extending an effort this year? I see this especially as a concern for linemen in the trenches............................so the question is. How will the offensive line perform to balance what they are paid to do........verses what they know will be a season of futility while trying to avoid situations that could increase the possibility of injury? Imagine Steve Wilks....................how do you prove your worth as a possible HC in a season with a team where you positioned to have the opposite results of the interim opportunity in front of you..................are you being a good soldier at this one and allowing your career to take a hit for a bigger and longer term purpose of the franchise? I mean what kind of pregame talk does a HC do in this situation?
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