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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Multiple Steve Smith........ hmm..........I didn't know that was his real first name.
  2. ......and if you tap the screen right here............her dress falls off.
  3. and the landing is ...................... on the couch. CU later grocery bagger
  4. One gets the idea from history that the world doesn't revolve until Tepper wakes up in the morning............. ........its one big Ego here folks. He was slighted on a wall street investment banking powerhouse once in a promotion and eventually when he got to the top he bought the multimillion dollar vacation home of the person who initially slighted him and then proceeded to have it leveled and then had another house built on that same plot twice the size of it... ...and if that doesn't reveal who you are dealing with you are blinded by his ownership of "your team".
  5. This is a funny thread........... You know..........funny........... Well I mean how it reads ...........its funny................. I dunno its just funny............it reads funny.......it is really a funny reading thread.....
  6. Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.....................historically the Panthers haven't been very good at that.
  7. This team as the ability to stumble and trip over their own two feet right into the playoffs with a losing record............maybe the NFL effort for parity in competition is working too well these days.
  8. Nope..........for all the raving about him as a QB his skill sets seem to be greatly compromised when the pressure is put on him and that's at the college level. I just could imagine the difficultly he would have adjusting to the speed of pressure at an NFL level.................he's a pass in my book, time to look at others. Good Greif even that Michigan backup looked better than him in that recent Ohio State/ U of Michigan game.
  9. Could be wearing a bag over the head at home watching it on TV....just in case someone walks in the living room............
  10. In regards to the Panthers, allow me to paraphrase a twist on a Shakespeare quote........... "The problem lies not among the players....... but within the owner"
  11. Call it a "blue out" on TV and be done with it..............
  12. by the likes of the ratings for the game they should probably push it right off the 2022 schedule.
  13. Carolina Panthers ...............PFF grades?............ "Zero Point Zero"
  14. I could bench everybody for bad games................. PJ QB rating in Cincy game??? "Zero........point Zero"
  15. Panthers are in football pergatory................to win or not to win...........that is the question. Either choice has liabilities that manifest as time goes on....
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