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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. Its more his size than height I'm referring to..............I know plenty of stout 5'8 to 5' 10 guys but he looks so frail........
  2. Hey Young..........I like your jersey...........does it come in man sizes?
  3. Based on how he reacts at post game press conferences.......Young reminds me of a person that when you shake their hand its like holding a dead fish. I see nothing but a cowering and insecure personality in that kid.............wrong environment to be exposing that in.
  4. Carolina Panthers ..........where reasonable QBs go to languish in the mundane.........and bad ones go to lose a career.
  5. Big brain Tepper can tell you that he is right all the time and will tell you why that is....................and that he is never wrong and can tell you why...... ...and because he has 20 billion more than most people do is because he is right and never wrong. ........and that is who you have running the whole organization..........so good luck Panther fans!!!
  6. He will never play in a meaningful game for the Panthers........and by the end of this year he will never be a starter again in the NFL..........someone's 3rd stringer or practice squad player?.................more like out of the league.
  7. I'm blessed.............Cha-Ching $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  8. Mark my words..........before the end of the season Young will be on the bench and out of the NFL for good by 2025
  9. If you mean by boycott not spending any money on this team......then since I've been here in 1998 I have spent the following amount of money on tickets and apparel or any other investment of any kind in the Panthers with a grand total of...............$0. That's it.........doesn't matter to me.............
  10. Speaking of the drink thrower ..........has big brain hit anyone with the ice from his drink yet........I assume he is there and enjoying his steak w ketchup?..
  11. Tepper get away from your team......fire your wife and hire someone to run the show. BTW......Canales is to HC .............what Young is to a QB. Season over...........
  12. So they are going to set up the play book for Young to release his inner Doug Flutie.............that ought to be fun until they cart him off the field..........
  13. Would this rule end the opportunity of pulling off a surprise onside kick?
  14. That's assuming a rebuild is reality.............and under this current ownership that may never be the case. There are more than a few examples of NFL teams grasping at a rebuild that never fully establishes itself under a given ownership structure and I'm inclined to believe the Panthers may very well be one of those example for now. Perhaps if your passion with this team is to "get back on the winning track" (I hear Chris Farley's voice as Matt Foley right now) that in the mean time you might find another team, sport or other interest for now and check back when Tepper either sells or..........well is no longer around.
  15. .......to prove when they start out 0-4 and end up with 2 to 3 wins for the year that they really do suck and its not due to just backups and scrubs.
  16. We've been able to avoid WW 3 so far.......... ........The Panthers will suck the bottom of the fuel tank all season again. ........other than the Panthers season nothing else has been nuked in the US yet.
  17. They are expecting the fans of this team to act like they are mired in a battered wife syndrome........no thanks.........leave if you want...............but I won't take the beatings anymore.
  18. Move them to Bone Lick, KY........and Tepper can spend all his time at the games flinging moonshine out of mason jars on the opposing fans.
  19. Gotta find a cause for a tax shelter..........makes the billionaires look noble and gives them that warm funny feeling inside but the bank balance after the tax year is what really tingles the britches.......
  20. Its more like a blind date with a girl that you were told was built like a brick sheet house and find out she wears a training bra.
  21. No......but its a "meh" sports town for sure.
  22. don't have my category.......gets injured early and on IR the rest of the season........he was lucky last year.
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