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About PghPanther

  • Birthday 04/20/1954

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  1. Only difference in the Panthers case is they are now eliminated from the playoffs at this point is not just for this season but the next 5 years.......
  2. Ketchup (or is the Catsup) on Steak..................
  3. Allen playing for the Panthers in SB 50 would have won the game going away.........putting up 34 or more points. Cam on the other hand on the biggest stage of his career was very pedestrian in that game.
  4. Just Great...................we finish with maybe 4 or 5 wins and get out of the cellar in the NFL and then hang on to this kid and as a result never get a winning season..........let alone a playoff berth or good draft pick for a QB.
  5. Was at a local late model race a few years back and saw the last name of a driver whom I remembered a driver with the same last name from back when I was growing up watching race who ran Indy cars and Nascar Cup events. So before the event, I was in the infield pit area and stopped by to see the driver (Eric Darnell) and introduced myself explaining a background I had in motorsports and then asked him if he was from Chicago and when he said he grew up there .........I responded, " You know, I used to watch a Bay Darnell out of Chicago when I was growing up was that your dad by chance?" He paused a bit and put his head down.......and hesitated to which I thought well maybe they aren't related after all. Then he looked up and smiled back at me and with a laugh replied, "Yup, we are related but he's not my dad........that was my grandfather." Man did I feel old..............
  6. Bryce will have more interceptions than touchdown passes in this game.
  7. They are no longer tanking.................... They are a submarine....run silent run deep........take a couple depth charge hits every week......... and then run right into a mine by the end of the season. Wash rinse and repeat with Big Brain at the helm in that cinema classic ..........Blue Balls October.
  8. Ohhh a trade!!! Rearranging the chairs on the good ship Tepper heading for the iceberg..........
  9. Starting Bryce Young in any game for this franchise will be effective as changing your shirt......after you crapped your pants.
  10. Big Brain and his assistant brain wife will be the long term curse of this franchise .........while the super processor is the short term curse......... ....and as a result this is the worse team ever fielded by this organization. That's all that needs to be said.
  11. After this game Young will be 2-19 in his NFL career......................I can see how he lost 19 games........but what I can't figure out is how he managed to win 2 of them?
  12. 65% of his drive through orders upgrade to supersize based on his suggestion............
  13. Analytics can work in the laws of average for program trading on Wall Street ............ and that's where it should stay. Big Brain Tepper thinks what made him a billionaire means it works with everything .........and how can you tell him he's wrong? After all he's a billionaire and you are not..............end of story in the mind of the Big Brain........he's a success and you are not. Now go back to buying tickets, merchandise and rooting for the Big Brain's investment.
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