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  1. Yea fug it, why not. Gotta clean the entire defensive side of the coaching staff either way
  2. The Eagles have usually started slow in their games this year. We might be able to keep up in the first half but I think they'll pull away in the 2nd half. I fully expect Saquon to run for 200 yds.
  3. Ive started believing him when I hear that now.
  4. Bryce looked like a entirely different QB. If we can get this QB consistently, we have something brewing.
  5. This is gonna end up being a case of field goals not being enough to beat the Chiefs
  6. You cant move him when we just paid a billions dollars on a pair of guards. Now maybe RT if something happens with Moton.
  7. Im not sure why we're writing Ickey off, hes been pretty good this year and is great at run blocking.
  8. It just feels like the offense doesnt function with Bryce at the helm. Even the run game is worse without Dalton.
  9. Good call on Kurtis Rourke, he reminds me a lot of Justin Herbert. I think with him being a 5th year guy, we may be able to get him after the 1st round.
  10. I gotta say, i didnt think Jayden Daniels would be that good in the NFL but hes proved me wrong thus far.
  11. I like that he mentioned the brown bags. That plus the fans booing last week and the subsequent benching of Bryce just proves that bullying works lol
  12. Man, I really wish he would say something like "obviously, my play wasn't the greatest out there, but I'm focused on improving and earning the job back".
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