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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Don't trust the sources close to Cam? You're thinking like a Panthers fan. Think like Cam
  2. Ask Dan Gilbert if he ever thought Lebron was going to leave. If Cam wasn't at least considering leaving, they'd be working hard on a deal right now. The Panthers made an initial offer of a long-term contract to Newton before last season, although those negotiations did not progress far. Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/nfl/carolina-panthers/article10900505.html#storylink=cpy "The goal is for Cam to win in Charlotte,” one person close to Newton said. “If it was only about money and stats, he’d be more critical and animated about what’s happening. Everyone sees what’s on the field. He’s talking about how he has to be better.” "There have been questions inside and outside the organization about Gettleman’s offseason handling of the offensive line and whether Newton has enough in front of him to be successful." "Newton’s situation is similar in some respects to what defensive end Julius Peppers faced after the 2009 season. The Panthers were ready to make Peppers one of the highest-paid defensive players in the NFL, but Peppers resisted a long-term deal and the franchise tag in large part because he felt the team wasn’t built for success." Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/nfl/carolina-panthers/article9235631.html#storylink=cpy So yes he wants to be here, but only if he feels like he can win here. Andrew Luck didn't.
  3. It's been several clues over the last few years that has led me to believe that Cam is at least considering leaving. My name ain't AceBoogie for no reason, I pay a lot of attention to Mr. Newton. If I could play a tape of his press conferences over the years you will notice how his answers have slightly changed when asked about playing here long term. When a player starts throwing around the "it's a business" line you'd better start paying attention. Cam is human, he's not a panther fan he just plays for the Panthers because we drafted him. Of course he wants to be here, because he's established his brand here. But he also knows that his brand will fade if he doesn't start making some deep playoff runs. The moment Cam feels like he can't win here, he will be gone. He's stated before one of his biggest problems is trusting his teammates to make plays. If he doesn't believe the team in place around him is going to win a Super Bowl he will leave. Cam sees players like Andrew Luck and talent he's surrounded with. The cap doesn't matter to him because he can sign with a team in a better position to build around him. I think when people here talk about Cam they speak through the mind of a Panthers fan. Cam isn't a panthers fan I cant say that enough. Truth be told, he probably hated us growing up. Entertainer and Icon, he looks up to guys like Lebron James. That's who he wants to be and if he doesn't feel like he can be that with the panthers, then you're going to see him take his talents elsewhere.
  4. The point of the tag is to give you extra time for both sides to work out a deal. If a guy flat out wants to walk, let him walk. Better yet trade him and get something for him. What QB has ever played a season under the tag? Don't worry I'll wait...
  5. On a critical play in the game, he can't be the guy. It can't happen, and it doesn't happen if you have more talent at the position. Should have ran the ball if the other guys were tired.
  6. If you go look at Brandon Lafells numbers, he got better every year. He could have just as easily had that type of impact here if he held on to the ball. It's up to coaches to get the best out of their players.
  7. Hard to make the case you care about winning when Bersin is your primary target in the Redzone with Olsen and KB on your team. So either they don't care or they're incompetent
  8. Because I know our late season run included the Browns, Saints, Falcons, and Tampa. All very poor football teams last year. We were still a 7-9 football team last year. I count the tie as a loss.
  9. My biggest problem with the front office is that they seem content with building a team that you don't need a guy like Cam for. As a panther fan, I don't want to see them hand Cam 100 million for him to throw to Bersin in a playoff game. If you want to run the ball and play defensive then you need to be able to actually make stops and force turnovers when it matters and have legitimate run game without your QB.
  10. Hardy had problems before the tag, you play with fire you get burned.
  11. Who have we kept that other teams would be dying to sign?
  12. Remember last year we argued about our WR situation? You told me it was early many times. I believe you even said Avant was better than Lafell. You want to discuss that again? We view things differently. You think our glass is half full and I think it's half empty. I'm not a Gettleman fan I'm a panthers fan. We're a lot bigger than one rouge GM. You want to believe and I get that, you want to believe there's some master plan where we're going to be great. Have to be careful, the teams with all the cap space aren't usually the best teams.
  13. Nobody made Gettleman rent Hardy for 13 million. Nobody made him release Smitty who I would take 100000990xs over Bersin in that situation. He played with fire and got burned. Lucky for him we played in the worst division in football last year and still couldn't manage a winning season.
  14. We played the worst QB to ever start a NFL game. And we gave up a perfect 3rd down passer rating to Russell Wilson. Funny how that "stifling" defense couldn't manage a turnover or a 3rd down stop against a subpar offense.
  15. All you have to do is follow his actions to know what he's thinking. There are a lot of people who believe Cam wants to be a free agent. I'm one of them and so are guys like Clinton Portis.
  16. This is the business. Gettleman straight up told us last year that he didn't believe we were taking a step back. Then after the season he came out and said he knew it was going to be a tough season, basically admitting we indeed took a step back. He lied. Players, coaches, gms, and agents all lie. Especially when it comes to contract negotiations. Cam isn't sold on Carolina's ability to build a winner. I believe there was a recent article that stated such. He has to protect his brand and his image in charlotte. So he has to say he wants to be here and he also needs an excuse as to why he hasn't signed yet. It's not even lying, because I'm sure he wants the market to reset after the Kaep deal, but it's not the whole truth. You have to look at it from Cam's view and not as a fan of the Panthers. Cam was drafted here and since he's been here, he's gotten very little help on the offensive side of the ball. He's going to look out for Cam above all else and he should.
  17. Texans last year was better, if Josh Gordon is on the field the Browns are better, Ravens were better.
  18. Saying he's willing to let the market reset is a nice way of saying I'm not sold on being a Panther long term and I want to wait and see what happens.
  19. That awkward moment when your defensively built team gives up a perfect passer rating and 3 touchdowns on 3rd down in a playoff game.
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