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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. If he comes here I’ll delete my account and pay you $100.
  2. You won’t find a single legitimate report saying he’s considering the panthers. Not this early.
  3. Not surprising that he wants to be a Jet at all. Players these days think beyond the football field.
  4. I can assure you I’m not a Cam Newton fanboy lol.
  5. Oh I 100% don’t think he wants to play in Carolina if you want me to say that again. But the caveat there is if it comes down to Houston or Carolina. Many here thinks that’s the case just because David Newton said so and people jumped to it for clicks.
  6. I’ve never once questioned are ability to trade for him. I have questioned his desire to want to play here. He has a no trade clause. He’s not going anywhere he doesn’t want to play. A lot of dominos need to fall before he even has to consider playing here. Hence him still on the Texans roster. You think it’s coincidence that Wentz and Stafford are already gone and he isn’t? It’s because they don’t want to trade him. And when that time comes that conversation doesn’t start with us. A few teams have to say no first.
  7. Nah we really don’t. He’s entitled to his opinion and I’m entitled to mine. Neither will be proven correct because it will never come down to that.
  8. There’s a long way to go before Deshaun has to even make that decision.
  9. It’s not about trade capital and what we can give. I explained this to y’all with Stafford and y’all didn’t listen. It’s even more so the case with DW.
  10. And we won’t be in that top two. Don’t know why people don’t understand that we are far down on that list despite how thirsty we are for a QB.
  11. Y’all really going to spend all off season talking about a QB who’s never going to play here. There’s a 85% chance he’ll be in Houston next year. A 14.99% chance he’ll be with the Jets and a 0.01% chance he’ll play somewhere else. Focus on the QBs in the draft and stop before you sit around pouting when it doesn’t happen.
  12. Not listening to a damn thing Voth says on either side of this.
  13. It’s not going to happen. A lot of dominoes have to fall before it’s even considered.
  14. What we offer doesn’t matter until DW goes through his list.
  15. Funny how the Texans’ reporter says they don’t trade him and ours say we trade for him.
  16. Whats strange is they didn’t report him missing until last week. He’d been there for over a month
  17. Have a feeling this story is going to get ugly.
  18. Brady has always had great teams. There’s a reason he left NE last year.
  19. Never understood why they didn’t use Fournette more.
  20. It’s not that he’s “bad” he’s just not going to elevate a bad team. He never has. If you have a good team around him then he’ll do well. He’s going to do well enough in LA to make people believe we should have tried harder to get him. They’re going to be wrong, he doesn’t have the same type of value on a team like this.
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