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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. I have a hard time believing women are out here giving blowjobs to famous quarterbacks by “coercion” and filing civil but not criminal charges.
  2. It takes a civil case and makes it criminal I can tell you that.
  3. I have an ex wife. A daughter and a girlfriend. I’d like to think I’d raise my daughter well enough that she doesn’t put herself in those situations. She’s too young for dating but when she gets to that age she will understand the power in the word no.
  4. Was it not a poor decision to proceed with the session? To not report it right away? Both can be true.
  5. I can tell most of y’all never had the juice like that. Take what you could get. I understand.
  6. Hence they’re in civil court and not criminal. See how fine those lines are.
  7. You think he picked them out the blue? That’s not how this works.
  8. Know your boundaries. It’s a fine line to walk.
  9. I wrote an entire paper on it in college. Monica wasn’t the first or last. She was an intern..he was the president. She fuged him because she thought she could benefit from it.
  10. Took my quote out of context. I’m saying stop calling it sexual assault and call it rape. Stop being so pc.
  11. Nah bruh I’m good. Never had a problem with women and the time I spent around Deshaun neither did he.
  12. You don’t have to. That’s the real world.
  13. Women have a hard time making their intentions clear. Incredibly hard for a man to differentiate between try harder and I’m not interested. Women don’t like to appear easy hence the chase they put men through. In the world we live in they have to be allies to themselves and be clear and direct. Any decent man can work under those principles. But you for damn sure risk looking like a beta if she wants you to make moves and you’re too afraid to.
  14. If he faces a legitimate sexual assault case then he should never play football again. I don’t think that’s what this is. Seems too opportunistic. The only think we know for sure is that Deshaun apparently likes happy endings. I could be wrong but I doubt Deshaun is soliciting sex from masseuses via Instagram. My hunch is that he had some prior information that he could receive a happy ending from some of these women. That poo works on a referral basis.
  15. Her career is done in that regard either way. What does she think he meant by a statement like that? If she did it because she felt it would help her career, that’s not rape or sexual assault. That’s buyers remorse. Women have to be held to a higher standard in these situations. They have to be held accountable the same way as we hold men accountable. That’s the whole damn problem with this me too movement. Did we say Bill Clinton sexually assaulted Monica? Plenty of women out here fuging their way to the top and if that’s their thing then so be it, but you can’t turn around and call foul when you agreed to something you thought would help you and didn’t.
  16. Put your name on it. Say he raped her. That’s what we’re talking about here. fug this sexual assault bs. What y’all and these women are accusing him of is rape. Let’s call it what it is. And if he raped anyone he should face criminal charges. Is he? Will he? If his name wasn’t Deshaun Watson is there a civil case?
  17. Man if you show up to give a massage and you end up performing oral sex, but you don’t file any criminal charges...either he raped you or you were complicit. There’s no in between there. Be clear. Say no. If you say no it’s rape. Clear cash grab.
  18. That’s life. Life ain’t fair. People have the right to feel however they want to feel. If his name wasn’t Deshaun Watson we wouldn’t even be talking about this. This is a football forum at the end of the day. Y’all don’t want to have the real bigger than football conversations so stop cherry picking.
  19. Y’all forget they gave very little money dedicated to QBs where most teams that’s a 3rd of their cap. They got plenty of money still.
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