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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Y’all are so damn dumb. Cam is New England’s QB. Hard Stop. Y’all forget Cam is still learning the damn offense up there. Hoyer is brought in to continue to help not only Cam in that regard, but Stidham and Jones as well. I know tearing down Cam helps you feel better about this team, but stop it. It’s petty and misinformed.
  2. Not taking Fields changed the trajectory of this Franchise. We’re now 5 years away from being a legit contender when we could have been 2 years away. We’re going to waste the next few years convincing ourselves Sam Darnold can get it done. He can’t.
  3. No he most certainly did not. And that report was misleading click bait. Not a soul from Deshaun’s camp would ever confirm it because it ain’t true. Same way Stafford and other QBs don’t want to come here. And why would they? The only QB we had that was worth a damn we ran out of town.
  4. Will you be at the game? Let’s arrange something
  5. Lol at y’all turning your noses up at Deshaun when he never wanted to play here in the first place. But whatever makes you feel better.
  6. No he didn’t. Started every damn game. He was taken out of games that were already decided and if that’s being benched then a lot of qbs got benched last year.
  7. Again the last time Cam Newton played in a NFL game he threw for over 300 yards, 3tds, and caught a damn touchdown. He will play and he will destroy the panthers and I’ll put every dime I have on that.
  8. We’ll see. Y’all will find a way to blame Hurney. Always do, even when Gettleman was here.
  9. By mid season y’all will we be blaming him still.
  10. You think the locker room (some who are fighting for their jobs every day) likes someone just given a spot?
  11. God don’t have poo to do with winning football games on Sundays. In fact you could argue it runs counterproductive to his mission.
  12. LOL. This why y’all be so mad during the season.
  13. Y’all really think this team is going to win anything with Sam? What a delusional fan base man.
  14. Seeing as Rhule is tied to Darnold’s success or lack their of, you could certainly say that the coaching staff has mortgaged their careers on Sam Darnold. Which should be pretty damn scary seeing as he hasn’t been able to save any of previous coaches with his play.
  15. I actually like this pick and I haven’t liked anything the Panthers have done in two years.
  16. We are the panthers. Don’t matter who the owner is. Don’t matter who the GM is. Same ol poo.
  17. I got a lot of respect for you too even when we disagree lol. All good. We want the same thing just have different philosophies of how to get there.
  18. The issue here isn’t Teddys. It’s believing he was ever a franchise QB in the first place. Don’t blame a backup for playing like a backup just because you thought he was a starter.
  19. The owner of the team shouldn’t have a say in who he signs his checks to? fug out of here. No draft pick gets made without owner approval.
  20. They already believe it because your QBs are Teddy and Sam. Only the actual staff is dumb enough to be content with that.
  21. You know you can’t be honest around here. Just wait until how miserable this place gets what’s the season starts.
  22. Can’t believe we went from Cam fuging Newton to being content with Sam Darnold. What a dive this franchise is in.
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