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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Because they need something to knock him on. It’s literally the only thing against him. He’s the same size as Drew Brees and he dominated us for decades.
  2. Yea you can’t hit the QBs like you used to…
  3. My dick isn’t small enough to stress about what another man weighs. I’ve seen him play football against top 10 draft picks.
  4. Because they’re running a 40 billion dollar monopoly…and you well aren’t. They got to it when they got to it. They have a million skus to worry about, the panthers shade of blue isn’t necessarily high priority.
  5. He was 205 at the combine…but people keep saying he’s 185 to push their agenda
  6. Young played in the SEC against NFL defensive players every week. Being able to be intelligent enough to process limits the risk to injury greatly. Yall act like he’ll be the smallest person on the field. There has been and will be guys smaller than him out there taking hits without a scheme and 300 pounders protecting them. They’ve been fine and so will he. He will get hurt because all players do, it’s football.
  7. I think y’all confuse Cam’s impact on the team. He made the Panthers relevant and more popular. As popularity grew so did things like the Huddle. I came here in 2011, but was a fan of the Panthers long before Cam. Fans are fans and don’t think we should label them as being a “Stan” just because they like or support a player.
  8. Y’all have some weird obsession with Cam. The irony
  9. You have access to watch the games he played in…never understand how much people devalue the actual playing of the sport. Watching the tape will tell you it’s Young, with Stroud not that far behind.
  10. Because he’s everything that he could never be. Makes him feel better to think that Cam is done. Classic low self esteem stuff.
  11. With all disrespect, you’ll never be as good at anything as Cam CURRENTLY is at playing football. The fact that you feel the need to declare something over to make yourself feel better is what’s truly pathetic.
  12. The dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
  13. We’ve never had a staff that was focused on setting a QB up for success
  14. Makes me feel bad that I’m on here probably arguing with someone's child. Yikes.
  15. Wrong. If anyone on that staff considers Will or AR then they should all be fired immediately and Tepper should be stripped of his team. Let’s not be dumb, the entire world already thinks we’re going to fug this up. This is Cam Newton on the cover of SI with Gabbert and Locker vibes. Draft Bryce, be great. It ain’t that hard.
  16. If they don’t have dinner with AR I’ll have some serious questions
  17. We’re talking about an inch and a few pounds man. It’s not a problem. He played in the SEC. Cam was huge and struggled with injuries at the end. Burrow has been banged up. Josh Allen and Herbert were banged up this year. It’s football players get fuging hurt.
  18. You say that as a fan of a team that had multiple players careers cut short due to concussions and none of those guys were small. That size poo is some weird internal inferiority complex y’all have.
  19. We’ve seen Burrow and Herbert deal with injuries. Josh Allen was banged up this year. It’s not all about size.
  20. Steph isn’t even lanky. He’s pretty solid and not a small guy at all.
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