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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. The most fair criticism is that he has not outplayed his situation. Dalton did that yesterday (although he missed a few key throws). But I don’t watch him and see a bad QB. I see a young QB with a lot of talent. And speaking of Stroud I haven’t seen a WR on the roster making the plays Tank Dell has been making for him. Mingo has not been that.
  2. Tua is the perfect comp. They tried to run him out of Miami. Labeled him a bust. Situation improved around him and now look. Josh Allen was trash until Diggs got there. But people want to throw Bryce in the trash after not even having his #1 WR the first two weeks.
  3. The team has not been good. The team was not good yesterday. You’re pointing out that Dalton played well as some sort of indictment on Bryce. It’s not. There’s a lot that goes into Dalton playing well yesterday. For starters Chark playing 97% of the offensive snaps contributes to that. The only threat to stretch the field and he wasn’t available game 1 for Bryce and played limited snaps in game 2. Secondarily the first time the Seahawks don’t give up 300 yards passing to a team will be the first time they’ve done so this season. You don’t believe in Bryce, didn’t want him so you’re pulling together outcomes without context to validate that. If the offense didn’t put up numbers against a bad defense absent of half their starters then yea Frank should have been fired. All that for a damn loss. But it wasn’t Bryce and it was “productive” so you feel validated. It’s flawed and I’m going to call it out when I see it.
  4. Not to mention having Chark out there fully healthy against an atrocious defense. But people like @LinvilleGorgewant Bryce to be bad so they’ll grab on to anything they can while they can.
  5. I gotta take a break for a while until you stop with your anti Bryce crusade.
  6. Bryce doesn’t have poo to prove to anybody on this board. Chill out. The fact that people here have to see to believe is a part of being a fan I guess.
  7. Oh I’m sorry. I hurt your feelings?
  8. You created an alt bro. You used to be decent. Now you’re just sad.
  9. Against the worst pass defense in the NFL…. And the fact that you’re pushing that around without context is what makes it a narrative. Because it fuels your misguided notions about Bryce. As a “mod” you should be better than this, but this is why the huddle is so trash.
  10. Seattle has the worst pass defense in the NFL. And that’s before half of their defense was out. Dalton wouldn’t have done that against better defenses. Y’all are just dumb.
  11. You want to develop a QB that contributes to sustained success. Andy Dalton is mediocre and always has been. No point of putting him out there to win games that won’t add up to anything worth winning them.
  12. Is he? Or are more plays available to him due to the fact Seattle’s defense is giving up over 300 yards per game. But you keep pushing that narrative.
  13. Should I be better or should the racists be better?
  14. The Turf is not about football. It’s about all of the things you can do in the stadium because you aren’t worried about destroying the grass.
  15. Oh poo @frankw is @TheRed Makes sense lol.
  16. Andy will play well today and all will be fine with Bryce. Have some patience
  17. Cam played for the Carolina Panthers…I don’t think Stroud has. Bryce won at Alabama. People here loved Cam too…when he was winning.
  18. You can’t find one single post of me saying anything negative about CJ. Im not super man, I can’t be everywhere defending black men at once. Calm down.
  19. Tells you a little about the people here and why you need not to argue with most of them.
  20. It’s just confirmation bias in most cases, combined with a little southern “bias” as well.
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