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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. So you’re not going to acknowledge plays like this are out of Bryce’s control? He did his job to put up points here.
  2. AceBoogie


    The fact that you think he lacks talent is why you can’t be taken seriously. An obvious Bryce troll and no matter what he does you’ll find fault with it. Again we’ll keep the light on for you. Remember these days.
  3. AceBoogie


    Trading the short term for long term gains shouldn’t be a foreign concept. To most people, maybe except for irrational football fans.
  4. AceBoogie


    It’s looking like a 3 year project.
  5. AceBoogie


    Reality is often the best form of comedy. If you need to poo on a young kid to make yourself feel better go ahead. As long as you understand he’s still going to be your QB when the winning starts. We’ll leave the light on for you.
  6. AceBoogie


    You saw overthrows yesterday? And yea he threw behind AT, so what? Really turn on any QB on Sunday and you’ll see them throw behind a WR. That’s not an excuse it’s just reality, every pass isn’t perfect. I never said he’s playing lights out. He hasn’t overcome his situation. Cam was able to do that because of his Athleticism. AR who isn’t really a good passer yet has been able to overcome it due to his athleticism. That’s not who Bryce is. It may take more time for things around him to improve.
  7. AceBoogie


    He’s a rookie. He’s made some rookie mistakes. I can live with those. You didn’t see bad QB play form him yesterday. You saw a bad offense. You saw a bad offense when Dalton was out there and a busted coverage doesn’t change that. The offense is bad and with a rookie at the helm it’s going to look rough at times. Be concerned if he’s missing wide open guys. He’s not, he’s executing the offense that’s called.
  8. I mean a few TDs negated by penalties, and poor execution around him.
  9. AceBoogie


    I mean I pay attention to the NFL not just the panthers. I’ve seen Josh Allen be trash his rookie year, and then as soon as Diggs and company arrive he looks like a different guy. I’ve seen Miami try to run Tua out of town and then help arrives and he looks like a different guy. I’ve seen Baker get thrown away by a team, come here and look lost and now is having a career year. It might be hard for your pride to swallow, but maybe just maybe we are a terrible situation for a young QB. Good QBs in the NFL don’t bust, situations do.
  10. AceBoogie


    He’s only admitting this to take some of the heat off Bryce. It’s good coaching to take that accountability, but even better coaching to recognize you have better options on your staff that should be calling plays.
  11. Yea it’s pretty obvious in real time
  12. I mean they literally said this during the game but whatever
  13. You gotta stop mixing the drugs with the liquor
  14. I think you can put some of that on the offensive line
  15. Don’t let the local Bryce detractors fool you. You see, they messed up when they hoisted Andy Dalton’s performance last week (in a loss) as the standard that Bryce needed to meet. Bryce not only met that standard, he exceeded it. They told you that Andy Dalton pushed the ball down field and implied Bryce could not. Hmm… Dalton: 6.2 YPC last week in Seattle, Bryce actually had a slightly higher average at 6.4. He took what the defense gave him and even had points negated due to poor execution of his teammates. That’s not on him. Dalton’s passer rating last week: 88.4. Bryce’s passer rating this week: 93.2 Instead ask yourself, why does the offense look like this. The answer is that we simply don’t have the playmakers that can create more explosive plays. Bryce executed the offense just as well. Stop being miserable haters. It’s not too late, it’s fine. We have a good young QB and you don’t need to compare him to anyone. There will always be prettier fish in the sea. This will be a process. We have a QB, and even those of you who don’t believe in him it’s fine. He’ll still be here when you do.
  16. I acknowledged that comparing a 22 year old rookie is foolish
  17. You want him to just throw it down field into coverage? Let’s think this through together
  18. Because there were guys open or he just simply missed the throws? Neither happened, but just curious how you back up your claims…
  19. Different teams. It’s like y’all forgot that Andy Dalton also lost last week.
  20. Yea I don’t know how you watch that game and think we have a QB problem. I was encouraged by what I saw.
  21. No we played the worst defense in the league last week. An offense scores points. This ain’t basketball.
  22. Teddy Bridgewater was a veteran. Bryce is a 22 year old rookie. He took the plays that were there and made throws down field when they were there. The team has to be better around him. A number of drives were killed due to either the offensive line not blocking or senseless penalties. That’s not on 9. If you came away from this game discouraged by Bryce Young that’s a you problem.
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