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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. No. That’s not his game. He didn’t run the 40 for a reason. I’m also not comparing him to guys in different situations. Dropping CJ in this offense ain’t going to have the result you probably think it does.
  2. Not from me. Nobody is absolving him. He’s a rookie and you’re expecting him to mask the poo storm around him. If we’re creating a list of things to blame he’s towards the bottom of that list.
  3. Not a soul here will say Bryce can’t be better. But if we’re dishing out blame I’m not starting with the 22 year old rookie.
  4. So you want to explain why this was also the case in Seattle?
  5. Nah, but he’s not going to get in front of a microphone and call his guys bums.
  6. But that’s not what he said. He said the biggest takeaway of the video. You can say Bryce didn’t read a play correctly and not jump to the conclusion that he’s not making the right reads.
  7. You think the biggest takeaway from that video is that Bryce is missing reads? I watched that video in its entirety and if that’s the takeaway y’all are failing the test.
  8. It’s not that black and white. Does Bryce need to be better? Absolutely. But just like he needs to make the easy plays so does everyone else. Chuba makes a block we probably get a TD. Bryce makes the throw to AT it’s probably a TD. If guys make catches that hit them in the face it’s a TD. There is so much bad around him and seems like you want him to be perfect.
  9. First reasonable post you’ve made about Bryce. This is fair criticism. Bravo.
  10. Look there are a lot of things going on. First: You have a rookie QB. Showing one AT19 play where he’s open for a TD doesn’t make him a bad QB. If that were the case you’d have alot more examples than one play. So yea he’s going to miss guys from time to time. All QBs do, especially rookies. Good teams create more chances and once we start doing that he’ll hit some of those. Second: WRs aren’t winning their battles. AT19 gives us the best chance and he’s just more crafty than fast. We desperately need a big play threat. This will come. Diggs, Hill, and now Moore dropped into offenses with struggling QBs and things change. Be patient. Cam had this early on. Third: The offensive line is trash. There are plays that are there that the QB just doesn’t have enough time to get to. You can’t play QB with a line you can’t trust. Especially with a rookie. Cam at least had Kalil and Gross early on that could get protections corrected when he didn’t see it. Lastly: The scheme hasn’t been great. We’ve put too much on Bryce and have provided him with very few answers to the defense. As a result he’s simply taking what the defense is giving him. What you saw in Dalton was a guy playing free because he knew it didn’t matter how he played. We have Bryce thinking too much right now. The coaches have to put him in better spots and be less predictable in their play calling. I honestly don’t see any of this getting solved this year. I think Bryce will get better. He’ll learn to adapt to his situation. I still think year 3 is probably when you can expect this team to be a legitimate contender.
  11. And honestly I’m fine with those things as a rookie. He has to see it.
  12. Neither of those have anything to do with our team. Lots of individual awards given out every year. We should be focused on sustained team success. We won’t be the first or last team that gets picks/trades wrong. You can’t react to that, you have to believe in your own plan and run your own race.
  13. I think the one thing we don’t have enough information on is that Bryce seems to “kill” a lot of plays. Is he making the right calls or is he being fooled by the defense.
  14. I believe I specifically said I didn’t put you in that category
  15. Gotta stop moving the goal posts. I’ve allowed y’all to set the standards. Pull up Andy Dalton’s chart and compare it to these. And show me all of the throws y’all said Dalton made that Bryce isn’t.
  16. It’s not about him being “someone’s favorite prospect” he’s OUR QB. We support OUR guy. No matter who it is. If we draft a young QB to be the future of the franchise, we as fans should support him. Only Bryce haters bring up pre draft stuff. The fact that you think someone could be right or wrong after a few games is insane. That’s a 3 year conversation. And if you jump on here only to complain about Bryce I’d argue those are the ones that need to unplug. Criticize him fairly, fine. We can point it out and move on, but he’s a rookie playing a TEAM sport. When you have people like @LinvilleGorge saying he doesn’t have NFL Caliber talent is where people get defensive. But y’all blow past that poo and feed into it because we’re 0-4. Look I know most fans on this forum are brainless. I get that. Sorry, but it’s just the truth. When you were Red I didn’t think you were and never thought LG was. We can have rational conversations but they have to be rooted in some sort of facts.
  17. I’ve debunked every single gripe you’ve had about Bryce. You’re complaining just to complain.
  18. The first two games Bryce was actually overthrowing WRs deep. You’ve turned into one of the worst posters over your hate for Bryce. It’s embarrassing.
  19. You’re going to keep digging a hole for yourself
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