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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Norman was so far off of Woods he wasn't even in the damn screen when the ball was thrown.
  2. Why does everyone think New England has a better front 7? The disrespect is staggering
  3. I wanted to shout back an argument but he was right
  4. I was talking to a guy yesterday who noticed my panthers tag. I asked him if he were fan and his response was "No I just love watching them play, it's amazing how they find a way to give games away, I watch just to see how they will lose."
  5. Defense were introduced before the game and fittingly so this was their game. I expected nothing against this Hawks d from our offense. They gave us a lead 7-6 for the majority of the game. Ask Ron Rivera who he thinks let him down the offense or HIS defense. Hands down Ron will tell you the defense let him down go listen to his press conference he talks more about the opportunities the defense missed. You see I put things into context of who we are. Again 1. Defensive minded head coach 2. Defensive driven drafts 3. Defensive game plan 4. Defense introduced first to start the season 5. Conservative OC with conservative game plan 6. Punting on 4th and inches Again I don't agree with this philosophy but this coaching staff wants to win games with its defense or else they would get Cam some fuging weapons and turn him loose. Doesn't matter if the lead was 35-34 or 7-6 the offense gave us a lead and we played field position ball to attempt to protect that lead. When their defense needed to make a play they did. When ours needed to make a play they tucked their tails and folded. Stop talking about offense this was a defense game.
  6. Time of possession was about even. A lot of that was special teams fault not the offense. Being tired can't be an excuse. If they were on the field then so was Seattle's offense. Can't use tired as an excuse. They had them backed up inside the ten yard line you have to get that stop for your offense.
  7. We could have won the game 7-6 we lead for the majority of the game. The defense gave up a late score and we were in position to take the lead and Deangelo fumbled. This game wasn't a shoot out it was a defensive power struggle and the defense lost the battle. We need to worry about how to fix our secondary. Wilson was running for his life all game but when he was able to look down field receivers were wide open. That zone was crap and he picked it apart for 300+ yards. This game was going to come down to not what the offenses would do but which defense would make a play when it mattered. Their defense made the plays in the win to end it. Ours once again let them drive down the field and run out the clock. Poor Cam once again looking for an opportunity to go win the game. Denagelo took that opportunity from him and the defense couldn't get him another one. Some might say we gave the game away but after thinking about it their defense literally took it and ours couldn't take it back.
  8. I can fix their offense in one step. 1. Don't play the Seahawks every week.
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